RawSienna , notsofreshfeeling & drdeeisback #transphobia ovarit.com
RE: What does it mean to be ‘treated as' a woman?
( RawSienna )
What TIMs mean when they say this is “you better pretend I’m a woman when it suits me, so I can go slumming in misogyny when I feel like it because it gives me hate-boners”.
For women, it means being mistreated to varying degrees in culturally-specific ways depending geographic location.
( notsofreshfeeling )
TiMs never experience misogyny; they can't go slumming in it. It takes about 10 seconds max to clock the most passable TiM on earth.
( RawSienna )
I phrased it badly. No, of course they dont experience misogyny…they’re misogynists. What I was trying to say is that misogyny excites them sexually.
( drdeeisback )
Excellent. And yeah, 'treated like a woman' makes zero sense--it seems, when asked, the only nonsexual and nonsexist answers are 'people saying she about me and being able to use spaces for women'. Aside from the fact that this is, in fact, a sexual answer, it's not as if men don't have the word 'he' and spaces for men.