About a week ago I reported an acquaintance to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
I was out with the crew at a game-night/hangout, and we typically meet a few cool new people at these kinds of events. "The crew" = the friend group I grab drinks with pretty much every week (it's roughly half and half men and women, pretty diverse in most other ways, and usually the same 10-12 people) really hit it off with this ginger dude, his sister, and their friend L (I will not reveal her full name), so we invited them out for drinks the following Saturday. Come Saturday, we're all having a great time. As the night went on, and we had been drinking, L shared a little bit about herself. She talked about how lucky she was to find a (comfortable) job that was willing to pay her under the table and not require verification (she was a secretary at an independent practice). She had been struggling because she was not capable of manual labor, and most desk jobs these days are very strict about verification. She said that it had been very hard for her in the months leading up to landing the job (which everyone congratulated her on), and that at one point she was almost homeless and had no idea that resources even existed for someone in her situation. In all other ways she is hard-working, kind, and amicable -- honestly just a very decent human being.
But that's the thing -- life just isn't fair. Hurricanes and fires destroy peoples' homes and lives all the time. thought about this a lot, and I did not make the decision lightly. I did some searching through groupchats that we're both in (no stalking or other gross behavior was necessary), and found all the info I needed in order to file a comprehensive report with ICE.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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