Our culture has reached a dangerous degenerate standard. Some states are accepting same sex marriage as a way of life. On the news, it was reported that more unwed couples are having children (the rate has nearly doubled in 10 years). Adultery is breaking up marriages at an alarming rate. Abortion as a form of birth control nationwide. Public schools are teaching classes sixth through 10th the appropriate age for sex, and how to use a condom properly.
God made woman to populate the earth. She comes somes (sic) with all the necessary parts, right down to the eggs.
The Greeks have a word - The-ol-ogy - that I apply in my life. It’s the science which treats of God his attributes and his relationship to the universe: the science or study of divine things or religious truth; divinity: also a particular form system or branch of this science or study (as the Christian, Jewish, Mohammedan theology: dogmatic, homiletic or historical theology).
Our culture has reached a dangerous degenerate standard.
Yes. It. Has.
And it was called the "Republican Presidential Primary".
Can't easily degenerate more than that.
So, in one breath they whine about those who *are* getting married, then whine about people who *aren't* getting married or un-marrying. And then rage about abortion *and* proper sex education? Yeah, that makes sense.
And if god wanted the earth populated so damn bad he could have done it his damn self. That is where you *claim* we all came from, after all. God's magical womb of wonders...
Abortion as a form of birth control nationwide. Public schools are teaching...how to use a condom properly.
If there were better instruction of the latter (and other related subjects), there'd be less need for the former.
God made woman to populate the earth.
But, of course, your problem isn't really with the abortion in and of itself, it's that women actually have some agency in child-creating matters.
God made woman to populate the earth.
No, women are people who have a right to determine what they, themselves , will do with their lives . And with 7 billion on the planet I can safely say that we aren't going to go extinct anytime soon.
The Greeks have a word - The-ol-ogy - that I apply in my life.
Fine, apply it to your life, just stop trying to apply it to everyone else.
And the Greeks have another word - allotriepiskopos
Look it up.
... And it's so cold outside the dogs are sticking to the sidewalk!
The Greeks have another word: "mo-re," as in, "sopho-more." If the cothurnus fits, Bill....
"Our culture has reached a dangerous degenerate standard."
Damn right! There are nutjobs with web sites blathering on and on and on, putting down gays, women, equal rights, a woman's control over her body, and public schools. Really, what IS this world coming to?
Actually, theology did not appear until Christianity reached Athens and 'bastardized' philosophy - the historical facts are there. With very few exceptions, it was not until Kant and the philosophers that followed him when philosophy made the break from theology, to mankind's great benefit.
God made woman to populate the earth
So what do we need men for?
And theology isn't a science because you can't perform experiments on something that refuses to manifest.
What is supposed to happen after this "dangerous degenerate standard"?
We have had registered partnership/same-sex marriage for about 15 years, fewer and fewer couples marry before they move in with each other or have kids together. (Many marry when they have been together for 10 years). Extensive sex education in schools BEFORE puberty and easily available contraceptives keeps our abortion rate low. But we haven't seen anything dangerous resulting from these things.
The world is already dangerously overpopulated. I'd say it's time for some serious restriction on the population front.
In order to produce kids, there is one part missing in the woman body, or she would be able to issue kids spontaneously. Strictly speaking, the eggs don't need to be in the body to start with, they can be mixed in a Petri dish and put into the womb later.
Science presumes you are able to test your hypotheses and make predictions and falsifications. None of these things are possible with deities, so theology is more of a philosophy than a science, really. If it IS a science, it must also include Aesir deities, Hindu deities, the lack of deities in Buddhism, all the Native American deities, and native Australian and New Zeeland deities, and all other deities that humans pay tribute to.
I think the most ridiculous part of this post is actually the idea that theology is a science. Theology is legitimate science in the same way that homeopathy is legitimate medicine.
I'm guessing that in the world of Mr. Williams here, the year is around 1790.
Have you read the Bible? It's full of 'begats'. But every one meant multiple fucking, many not within any bond of marriage. The whore of Jericho was one of the few saved when the city fell. The man of Gibea gives his slave woman to satisfy the lust of the men of that place so that she died of the abuse. How many concubines (polite name for non-wives)did Solomon have? And what about David and Bathsheba? Remember the daughters of Lot and their rape of Dad: and for inconsistency, Onan, who was struck dead for not giving his sister-in-law a child. It gets tedious.
Admitting that God made Woman to populate the earth is novel. But Woman's eggs do not fertilise themselves. There has to be a man's intervention.
Abortion may be a form of birth control in Bill's mind. Many, if not most, are tragic necessities. So it is illogical and heartless and to make a sweeping condemnation. Each abortion is a separate case that may well have the most cogent and heartbreaking reasons underlying it.
It is sad that sex education is taught in school. The place to learn about these matters is in the home. But America is so shit-scared and ashamed of the body and its functions that the matter is thrown into the sniggering inappropriateness of a classroom. What better way to devalue it! Stop whingeing and take on board your familial responsibilities. DYI should be the motto.
Do you have to syllabify Theology, and get the syllabification wrong in to the bargain. Most don't need to break a word down into components to sound it. Anyway Theos is the Greek for God. The syllabification, therefore ought to be Theo-logy - ?e?????a in the original Greek. the dictionary definition is: "the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity". Hardly a science.
Do try to get some things straightened out before you ruch into print.
On the news, it was reported that more unwed couples are having children (the rate has nearly doubled in 10 years). Adultery is breaking up marriages at an alarming rate. Abortion as a form of birth control nationwide.
All of which has absolutely nothing to do with same sex marriage.
Oh dear Bill! I'm afraid I've done the experiments, experiments that have been repeated by many others, and it's a case of the new evidence giving cause for a major reevaluation of the old scientific theories. It has now been shown that there is no god, and certainly no Bible God. I guess that's what happens when you pursue a scientific path. Them's the breaks.
The-ol-ogy - that I apply in my life. It’s the science
Stop right there. Theology is no science. It's not even a soft science like sociology. Theology uses one book as its source and comes up with thousands of mutually contradicting ideas and interpretations that can never be resolved or tested in any way. It's more akin to fan speculation (i.e. how does a warp drive work, how do you resolve plot holes in the story, what DOES God need a spaceship for, etc.) than anything remotely scientific.
"Mohammedan"? Congratulations on failing theology jackass. Along with everything else in your life.
Also, we're very sorry nobody wants to have sex with you.
God made woman to populate the earth. She comes somes (sic) with all the necessary parts, right down to the eggs.
Your god may have given me the right parts, but he sure as hell made certain that they never worked right in me. I had to have parts take out because of the excruciating pain I had for about 10 years because of what I ended up with as a result of your god.
If you knew what theology was, perhaps you could break it down properly. See those people who found out that the first five books of the Bible weren't written by Moses but a number of different sources? They were theologians. See those who discovered how the early church kept some books in the canon and rejected others? They were theologians. See those who explained the disputes and mutual accusations of heresy in the early church? They are theologians. Theology is not the same as religion.
Theology is not based on one book, let alone one religion. Religious belief is not required to be a theologian; one of the best theologians I know is an agnostic; another is an atheist. It's not a science, but it isn't fan speculation either. A theologian is engaged in a serious academic discipline. Serious Biblical, Koranic and Talmudic scholars do not immerse themselves in the languages, culture, archaeology and learning of entire civilizations simply so they can speculate. What they say has the backing of evidence and often that goes against the received wisdom of the religion in question. So do theologians resolve plot holes in the story? No, that's what an apologist does. To a fundamentalist, theologians create plot holes. Indeed, to engage in higher critical study of the Koran in a number of countries is to court a death sentence. It would be nice to think that posters were a little more knowledgeable than Bill Williams.
Our culture has reached a dangerous degenerate standard. Some states are accepting same sex marriage as a way of life. On the news, it was reported that more unwed couples are having children (the rate has nearly doubled in 10 years). Adultery is breaking up marriages at an alarming rate. Abortion as a form of birth control nationwide. Public schools are teaching classes sixth through 10th the appropriate age for sex, and how to use a condom properly.[b/]
Yes, we know. Welcome to the 21st Century.
... woman ... comes ... with all the necessary parts, right down to the eggs.
Biology professor. Liberty University.
More unwed couples are having children = public schools are teaching classes how to use a condom. The truth is a lot of the unwed couples having children are not using birth control properly. If what you care about is unplanned children and broken marriages, you should SUPPORT birth control. Clearly, what you care about is judging other people. Also, what relationship does the definition of the-ol-ogy (hint, ogy is more than one syllable) have to do with any of this?
The Greeks have a word for "being an opinionated, stubborn, out-of-touch cunt who lives in the fucking middle ages and couldn't be further from his "God" if he were at the bottom of the world's deepest mine which had then been filled in with concrete" I don't know what that word is, but it definitely applies to you.
The earth is already populated. OVER-populated. So just STFU and go die masturbating in a wardrobe with a belt round your neck and your mother's tights on. And an orange up your backside.
There is already Theology courses, This is the study of Literature related to theistic works. At the level of a degree in it you would have to study not just the works but the origins of said works, the inconsistancys and contradictions in said works and their various interpretations over time and doctrines of the many denominations that developed.
To say nothing of comparitive theologies, a true study of the Bible would include a deeper education in all the Abrahamic religions which you kinda mention in your last paragraph.
It's important to note two things about all this.
Most people who study this this deeply become Atheists or at least lose their origional belief.
Fundies never study this deeply.
Aaaaaaaggggghhhhhh *Flips desk, destroys room, punches monitor, throws couch out window* Stop, please, we beg you, stop dragging Greeks, Greek words and our culture,language and philosophies into your insane, stupid and insanely stupid beliefs and philosophies. Have we not suffered enough? The Romans somehow got the world to stop using our real country name (Hellas or Hellatha), Hollywood and Disney have been raping our history and mythos, now the fundies are sticking their dicks in? Please fundies, use something else to make your points or describe your stupidity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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