Bill Williams #fundie

Our culture has reached a dangerous degenerate standard. Some states are accepting same sex marriage as a way of life. On the news, it was reported that more unwed couples are having children (the rate has nearly doubled in 10 years). Adultery is breaking up marriages at an alarming rate. Abortion as a form of birth control nationwide. Public schools are teaching classes sixth through 10th the appropriate age for sex, and how to use a condom properly.

God made woman to populate the earth. She comes somes (sic) with all the necessary parts, right down to the eggs.

The Greeks have a word - The-ol-ogy - that I apply in my life. It’s the science which treats of God his attributes and his relationship to the universe: the science or study of divine things or religious truth; divinity: also a particular form system or branch of this science or study (as the Christian, Jewish, Mohammedan theology: dogmatic, homiletic or historical theology).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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