Depriving criminals of the punishment justly due to them is NOT NOT NOT merciful, nor is it in any way CHARITABLE. It is, as Dr. Senior rightly pointed out, depriving him of his real, fundamental right to justice, which is another crime. If Jamie Dimon, Jon Corzine, Lloyd Blankfien, Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde and the numerous other people who have committed crimes against humanity purely within the financial realm are not tried, and upon being found guilty, executed – because the punishment MUST be proportional, and these people have, without question, committed capital offenses – the odds of them ever repenting, being baptized (in the case of the Jews among them and unbaptized Gentiles) and thus attaining the Beatific Vision is massively, massively reduced. History proves and common sense dictates that being faced with one’s own execution has a way of — bringing moral clarity to the condemned man, a clarity that dying peacefully, hopped-up on painkillers in one’s twenty million dollar Long Island or French Riviera compound simply will not provide.
Remember how Nazi Hans Frank reverted to the Church after having apostasized while awaiting his execution, received the sacraments, and by all accounts died well and with humble dignity on the gallows with his last words being,’I am thankful for the kind treatment during my captivity and I ask God to accept me with mercy.’ If Hans Frank had never faced justice and the hangman, a death he so richly deserved, the odds of his reversion would have been infinitesimal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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