Aryan Dawn #racist
The ancient Aryan struggle to break free from the death grip of Zion and throw these disgusting Hebrew vermin into the abyss has been turned into a legendary adventurous gameplay series by the Japanese game designers who created this popular and timeless franchise. The anti-Semitic themes can be considered subtle or even hidden to the untrained eye, but those who are familiar with World history and the nature of the Jewish Problem, will be able to decipher it.
It is no coincidence that the evil antagonist and arch-nemesis ‘Ganondorf’ has red kinky hair with long earlocked sideburns, dark beady eyes, a giant hooknose and the typical look of a creepy smirking pedophile. ‘Ganon’ symbolizes the Jew: the timeless cosmic fiend and bloodthirsty adversary to the Aryan race. He routinely and systematically kidnaps blond White women and hold them hostage. His agenda is total World domination and ruthless enslavement of all the so-called “Goyyim”. This devious Kike is even wearing a ‘tefillin’ on his forehead and arms. The only thing missing is a yarmulke, and you would have a fully equipped baby-penis sucking Orthodox Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi.
The protagonist of ‘The Legend of Zelda’ Nintendo game series is the blond and blue-eyed Aryan natural-born warrior known as ‘Link’. Above, you can see many of his appearances throughout his life of heroism and righteous anti-Semitic struggle. Link fights the eternal enemy Jew with untiring vigour and bravery. Nothing will stop this Caucasoid European legend from putting the slimy throat of Zion to the cold steel of his viking sword.