...subtlety is not your strength, is it Erebus?
I refuse to accept a guy named Austin Ruse is not a sinister man playing at being a "true believer" while actually just using them for his own gain.
His last name is Ruse - a plan, a scheme, an underhanded ploy. He's so transparently evil, I am certain if anyone walked in on him, they'd see him cradling an evil looking dagger and whispering to it "...fooled them all..."
How many times does it have to be pointed out to you that
a) Free Speech doesn't mean you're the only one who gets to talk
b) Free Speech doesn't mean you can't be judged or debated by someone equally free to speak
c) Religious Freedom doesn't mean your sect gets to tell everyone else how to live
I realize it's hard for you to wrap your head around the concept, but those freedoms you're talking about apply to everyone, not just you and people who agree with you. Trying to force others to agree with you makes you a bully, regardless of your political or religious stance.
So extremely far-right-wing he sees fascists as left-wing...
Honey, with rights come responsibilities. If you want free speech, you have to fight for everyone to have free speech. The same goes for all human rights; we must fight for everyone, or they are privileges, not human rights.
A certain scene in "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" in which two rednecks in KKK garb are having their pointy-hatted jimmies burned by a literal Grammar Nazi.
The right to speak whatever language one wants.
Better start typing your site's content: in German , then...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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