Brian Niemeier #fundie

"On August 29th, 1968, every single TV in America suddenly shut down and for 25 seconds, people have heard a voice, a murmur. No one seemed to understand what the issue really was and what the sound was from the TVs. Many people believe that it was the devil trying to convey some message but nobody really understood it. After 25 seconds, all the televisions turned back on and the daily scheduled programs resumed. To this day, no one exactly knows who caused it and why it happened but everyone believed it was the work of the devil."

The story above has been debunked as an urban legend by Snopess, for what that’s worth. But it does make another association in my mind with one of the more cryptic and chilling prophecies attributed to a saint.

Elizabeth Ann Seton was said to have had a vision of the future, in which every home in America had a black box that could let the Devil in.

Again, is the account of the Devil speaking through every TV in America for 25 seconds back in August of 68 literal fact? Maybe not. But if the events that have unfolded since that date are any indication, the urban legend is a 100 percent effective metaphor. So keep in mind, when you’re talking with someone who grew up in front of the television, to some extent, you’re talking with the Devil box.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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