various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @RealSixMillion )
One year ago today.

Never forget the anti-White terror attack.

And never forget 👇🏻

spoilerIt doesn't matter if
you don't hate them.
They hate YOU.

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )

( @skitzorat )
@RealSixMillion The ADL even had the chutzpah to make it about themselves!

Never forget Whitey, both the blacks and the jews hate you because of your race - even if you stupidly believe "there's only one race the human race"

( @maximumman )
@skitzorat @RealSixMillion Disgusting kike parasites.

( @Cchastain )
@RealSixMillion I did not know that blacks hated white people nor did I realize how unbelievably racist they were until they started rioting. Now I stay away from them like a plague.

( @Down_For_The_Count )
@Cchastain @RealSixMillion There's nothing to gain, and everything to lose by interacting with them.

( @Cchastain )
@Down_For_The_Count @RealSixMillion I have lived in the suburbs of a black run-black dominated city all my life (55 years) and I have NEVER seen a black person treated racially. I have however, many stories of me and white people I know treated racially by blacks over and over again.

( @meatsnax )
@Cchastain @Down_For_The_Count @RealSixMillion White must organize and go on the offensive.

( @_Good_VS_Evil_ )



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