Henry Makow, PhD/Israel Shahak #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho henrymakow.com
Jew or a Communist. The same thing.
We face a heavy dose of mind control in media
and education. Where does this oppressive coercion originate?
We are being inducted into Cabalism, a satanic cult that defines Judaism.
Shahak explains that Judaism has fostered
a "closed society... one of the most totalitarian societies
in the whole history of mankind." Just look at the churches, in love with
Israel. Look at "political correctness," a Communist term. Look at the Noahide Laws
which invite Gentiles to become second-class Jews or face beheading as an "infidel." Look at
homosexuality and "gender fluidity." Look at laws prohibiting criticism of Jews or Israel. The coercion conservatives feel in society is comparable to what Jews have felt for centuries from their own rabbis and communities.
The book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3000 Years
by Israel Shahak explains that Cabalist Judaism has always been a totalitarian satanic cult.