various commenters #transphobia

RE: Regarding recent EO recognizing the biological reality that is Sex, and the person who signed it

( Veneficca )
I think we all would love for this EO to win the war, stop the madness. I hate Trump and would happily give him credit for this.

But this changes nothing for most TRAs. If anything, they're doubling down. I was just starting to see doubt and backtracking, mostly around sports, and more LGB rolling their eyes and saying they were sick of trans. Now trans are sacred cows again, coddled by all good progressives. Any GC message is "transphobia" linked to everything else he does.

In essence, the Left needs to see the truth of gender ideology, not simply be overruled, or they'll start it all up again if they regain power. This is a lovely reprieve but not a permanent victory.

My biggest hope is that Dems will create workarounds like creating trans prison units that then are harder to argue against even when a Democrat is back the saddle.

( NoName )
Saw an X post yesterday where a woman from the UK was asking why the BBC concentrated on all of Trump's executive orders but for the sex recognition EO. I notice the Washington Post which used to run a pro trans article almost daily has had no trans articles in the past two days. Why?

Instead of walking their lies back, I think the media that lied and lied about trans ideology is maybe just going to go quiet. Pretend they never lied. It's only been two days though, I'll wait and see.

( RighteousIndignation )
I'm in the UK and I've noticed how none of the main stream news outlets have even mentioned the end of gender thing, only a few have mentioned the removal of DEI from government departments.

things like GB news tell you you the whole thing but the BBC, the newspapers do not. [...]

( MascaraRunsFree )
I feel this may just break down some denial in some Democrats. A bona-fide Enemy of All People Everywhere (okay too dramatic) -- maybe not -- has done something that is WILDLY POPULAR even with the vast majority of run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road Democrats. They all KNOW, the ones promoting this in Democrat party/circles, that it's all bullshit! They know it! They know "Sarah" McBride is lying through his fucking teeth! And now finally the bubble has been burst, even if plenty of Dems don't want to say it. What? It's okay to tell the truth! Yeah you better before we get 8 fucking years of Republicans in power.



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