This is a scary time, not because of who won but because those who lost think its okay to burn the American Flag, to riot and to block highways in protest. This is not okay. You can’t throw a tantrum every time you lose at something. You can’t treat people like crap then say its because you’re fighting for equality. Violence is not the answer. This is just not okay.
Violence is always the answer when a Nazi openly rigs a vote to become a dictator
@:Demon Duck of Doom
If you apply to extralegal methods to an elected person, it simply proves that you support "Democracy" as long as you get your way.
You know what?
Tayyip Erdogan has the same modus operandi.
You related?
Yeah but unlike Trump, Hitler actually won the election. Is violence allowed then?
You seem to be basing your ideas on WWII where Hitler was removed by force and all was well afterwards. But what if in 1933, when nobody knew what Nazi Germany would become,
Hitler/Nazis were violently shut down. What would follow?
Joshua Bonehead Paine-in-the-Arse. Thomas Mair.
The fact that the latter - a white neo-Nazi - will only be leaving prison in a box .
There are always other options, as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard would say.
They should have thrown away the key in Hitler's case.
...oh, Erdogan was elected too.
Or does a certain butthurt Tadpole hate democracy ?
Tayyip Erdogan. Donald Fart.
Separated at birth? Are they somehow related? I think we should be told. [/"Private Eye"]
(Contd. P94) (He'll be fired. Ed )
As will a certain someone else, I suspect...! [/shy] >:D
Trump didn't 'rig' the election. Americans didn't bother to update their electoral system to reflect no longer living in the horse and buggy days.
Don't blame the player for the rules of the game. fix the game.
assuming you get a chance to seen as Trump now has good odds of burning the entire goddamn country to the ground inside a year.
Burning the flag is fine, rioting & fucking with random strangers trying to go about their day is not, standing in the middle of the road is just goddamned retarded (not everyone is going to hit the breaks. Especially if your go-to tool is violence) and there's no such thing as nobly throwing the first punch based on a suspicion.
Actually, it's perfectly ok to protest and block traffic, as my predecessors have proven during the Civil Rights era, and not all of those protests were non-violent. Riots on the other hand, destroy property, and I don not want people destroying where I live, because y'all have just as bad an aim as the christian god when you all are mad. Police piss you off, but you burn a gas station. Why not the police station? That's who you're mad at.
As for the flag, the SCOTUS said it was fine to burn it. and besides, it's just cloth. That it means that much to either side, it's kinda pathetic.
Violence will persuade people to carry on supporting the autocrat for fear of the alternative. Every act you commit perpetuates his rule.
@ Mister Spak
Most probably a military dictatorship or a communist one. Neither would necessarily have been an improvement.
So far the protests on Trumps "win" have caused less damage and injury then a single Super Bowl win/loss.
Like everything RightWing the "tantrums" are mostly occurring on your side and being fueled by this Faux outrage of exaggeration, as usual. And you clowns won, imagine how bad you would be if you lost. Honestly I think some people either didn't vote or voted for Trump because of the 'storm the Whitehouse' 'Kill the left' rhetoric y'all promised if he lost.
But sadly you shit's aren't calmer, a lot of you aren't done being mad yet, hopefully the next month should show you which direction to aim it. Since the election it's the right being quoted about how wrong they were to vote for that shit, not liberals, cause the Liberal are being proven right daily.
Block the highways if you must, but GTFO when you see an ambulance or fire truck coming. If you try to block their progress, I hope they run you over.
Also, honest, non-rhetorical question, at what point in all the mess America's in now would revolt become justified?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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