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Government sponsored health care that is meaningful? Are you kidding? Not one soul in the US government has the foggiest notion of how to effectively apply the concept. I watch in many ways a world gone mad...literally.
All health care as currently envisioned by government is doomed to failure as it is built on premises promoting profit, not potency. They say the stakes could not be higher, that health care costs the economy more than anything else (I thought supporting Israel with gazillions of dollars while the US has crumbling roads costs us more?). But if the stakes are so high, why not get this right once and for all? Imagine the US setting an excellent example for all to follow. People debate passionately socialist vs. capitalist models, while leaving the most important arguments--namely, naturopathic versus allopathic medicine--wholly ignored.
Why? This is just a sick money grab. The pharmaceuticals pay off politicians, financing their campaigns. So guess what? The politicians will help insure health care costs are nuts on drugs. The main elements of cost are all wacko: insurance; drugs; doctors; and big science. US Health Care is now an applauded criminal enterprise. Last I checked, extortion was a crime. And that is what this is. Demand money from the healthy to pay for the less healthy, or punish them if they refuse. Never mind asking them for their best ideas…GIVE US YOUR DAMN MONEY—WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU DO WHAT MUST BE DONE! Right. Insurance? My knowledge is my insurance. I have often said all that insurance insures is that you pay for insurance. For years I watched a richer friend of mine spend at least $50,000 on doctors. Me? Nothing. I have been healthier. I have learned nutrition, detox, acupressure and more. Anyone can, no matter what they say. The best innovators in these areas have been erased from the school system, though their truths remain. Drugs? Not needed. Too many side effects, not the least of which is suicide and school shootings. Cost a fortune--all for no reason. I scoffed recently watching this naltrexone situation. Naltrexone was developed by DuPont long ago. It blocks brain receptors, preventing addiction. So why have you not heard of it? It was too good. Rehab clinics would go out of business. Too much profit lost, so no go. Only allow garbage on the market. But now naltrexone is out on the market again. Why? To stop obesity. Really? And they mix it with a screwup drug with bad side effects? Brilliant! But now they are actually considering spilling the beans and having naltrexone help addicts. Why? All the opioid addiction. Guess after zillions of corpses someone is thinking maybe now we can cash in? Wonderful people in this world.
What is big science? That is when you ignore urine, saliva and hair analysis and do whopper chem tests, x rays, PET scans, tossing in MRIs and other junk to help your doctor buy a yacht.
The biggest costs in health care are problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's--and all of these could be wiped out with the slightest effort. Cost mere hundreds of dollars, sometimes less if you are really good. There are about twenty different ways it can be done...but Congress remains silent. Never mind that Gerson testified about nutrition beating cancer before Congress decades ago...no one knows a blessed thing. Never mind that Thompson could testify that vaccine stats are bogus, and that Valentine, Doyle, Bystrianik and others proved vaccines did nothing positive in history--improved water and sanitation deserve all the credit. Just keep killing people--especially blacks, and pocket the change.
Western medicine is a special form of genocide. Why? Because unlike other forms of genocide, the public cheers it on. More than that, if you try to educate someone about vaccines, for example, they will flip out on you. Some even go so far as to insist your unvaccinated kids could sicken the vaccinated ones. But you know what? THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE! Hopefully more will watch VAXXED and read writings like those of Heckenlively in Inoculated.
Even when people sound like they mean well, they are often way off. For years people asked me why I was not shouting about gluten woes. So why did I not jump on the bandwagon and be cool? Because I have learned my lessons, that’s why. Trust nature. I have said it many times: Nature is often slandered by the ignorant and later exonerated by the wise. People insist they cannot drink milk—but give them raw milk from healthy cows—no problem. And now people are squawking about gluten. Yet I just read an article claiming a woman dug more deeply, and guess what she found? People in Europe eat wheat and its gluten and are just fine! How about that? So what was the problem? Roundup. What is Roundup? A freaking pesticide the agrobusinesses love to dump on wheat before harvest. There you go! It is a lesson man is just too stupid to learn. Sling those pesticides and herbicides! Who gives a rat’s ass? What is a little lead, arsenic or mercury? Who cares if it ends up in breast milk? What are you bitching about? You got cheap food, right? Not like we can do any better, right?
Oops! As always, we could have done better. Way better. Julius Hensel showed us exactly how BEFORE THE END OF THE 1800S! When he was silenced, it was a death sentence for millions, not to mention the sheer pitiful plunge in quality of life. All you had to do was grind rock to powder (granite was best) and nourish the soil. That’s it. No need for pesticides, or herbicides. Not even manure (pathogens grow in crap, geniuses!) was needed. We all would have been stronger, healthier, happier. But they squashed Hensel and favored Liebig. Why? Anyone can crush rock and sell it cheap. But sell NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in industrial forms, and you can just sit back and rake in the profits. Never mind the obvious fact that if NPK was as great as its advocates brag, the plants would not need herbicides and pesticides. But they do. The three minerals make plants big, not healthy.
Drugs cannot work with nature. You cannot combine methods. Why not? Because drugs are asinine. Take drugs and they beat up on each other… and then they beat up on your liver, and then on the nutrients in your foods. Many nutrients cannot be absorbed when a person goes on drugs.
Trying to get people shaken out of their arrogance and their brainless celebrations of man’s technology is apparently futile. They now tout genetic engineering. This is also doomed. Create the perfect genes and set your creatures loose in an environment of poisoned air, water and soil and guess what? Everything dies. Every time.
But harmonize with nature, mineralize the plants and positive builds on positive. Poverty and famine disappear. Disease vanishes. Visit my website, polytope.www1.50megs.com and check out the recommended reading. See for yourself. The mainstream media and government sure as hell are not going to tell you anything comprehensive.
Vaccine spread autism is now so insane that in the next decades one in two people may be out of their minds. One in two!
Stop going to town halls and yelling at others to fix your life. Empower yourself and you will be far better off.
Learn while you have the chance.
A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste….



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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