I'm sure that most evolutionists don't know enough about the 'proof' of evolution; it's just that they've been taught this all their lives, and so understandably accept it as true.
Most creationists don't know ANYTHING about evolution (or much of anything else), being indoctrinated against learning it all their lives. The ones who do manage to overcome their programming enough to learn about evolution and the scientific method generally realize how suckered they had been.
~David D.G. (no relation^)
Technically, he's right, albeit with a little spin. However, reading up on mounds and mounds of fossil evidence is not how I want to spend my spare time for the next few years, so I'll just take comfort in the fact that the evidence is actually there .
Besides, science in general produces results and is pursued only in the name of exploring and explaining our universe. The results of man's scientific achievements are all around us, right now. There's nothing to differentiate the stuff we didn't build between originating from a divine creation or simply from physics and nature. Personally, I come down on the side of the latter.
Well technically an evolutionist is a biologist specialising in evolutionary theory, so they probably average a better knowledge of the proof of evolution than any other group on the planet, but I get your point.
Accepting evolution and understanding it are two different things, and it is not unknown for me to come across people erroneously defending evolution, though far less often.
We know mutation happens and we know how probability works. Evidence fits model.
Now, how about creationism?
Wow! That is one very shiny mirror you've got there! What are you using to get it sooo shiny?
We know a lot more about evolution than you do, at least.
We accept it as true because the evidence we can see and read about makes perfect sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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