Now, in the state of California, which leads both for the good and the bad in many ways politically, there's a ballot initiative on homosexual marriage that is more important than you could imagine.
Because a not so well known fact is that the Illuminati Nazi Jew Homosexual Abortionist Communist Liberal Fascists have instituted a maximum number of marriages, and anyone who applies after that number is reached will be turned away. Oh woe! Woe betide any who apply afterwards. Now...once I take my tin foil hat off and look at in reality, I must ask, how two people you don't know, and likely will never even meet on the street, let alone know personally, getting married will affect you personally AT ALL.
It's called Proposition 8, and you must vote "yes" if you're sane.
Erm...I'm new to logical fallcaies...isn't this Poisoning the Well?
If you're insane, hate the family...
Yes, if you love family, you'll prevent some from uniting themselves by law. Because that toally makes sense.
...hate man and woman...
So the only way you can love man an woman is by making sure they never deviate from a bronze age ideal of what each should be. Riiight.
...hate your mother and father...
My Mom would likely be overjoyed if I got married, be it to a man or a woman. See, some of us have parents that want us to be happy.
...hate the Bible, hate the church, and hate the synagogue...
I could really care less about any of those. So why should I have your faith made into my laws?
...of course you're in favor of "no" on Proposition 8, which is where most of the Democrat politicians are, because they are exactly what you think they are.
Of course, if anyone disagrees with you, they're baby eating boogymen. Good to know you're bringing a rational argument...and even better to know that such flagrant fear mongering actually worked...