Various Incels #racist #sexist

RE: Did you had phase about your countryfoids?

I am a currycel and I think our women are grotesquely hideous goblinas with personality of a wet mop

Never had a phase for German women in particular, there is no beauty to admire there tbh. They are most of the time dull looking and get BTFOed by Slav women when it comes to aesthetics. Only once simped for them a tiny bit in 2015 (due to mass migration and sex crimes), nowadays I couldn't care less because most women would spit on me anyways.

Never had this phase, I've always seen Italian foids as the hypergamous beasts they are

Yes, I used to have the belief that Colombian women were the most loyal, loving women on the planet....what an idiot I was, Colombianas are the dirtiest sluts out there and are only loyal and traditional towards white guys --- this was one of the hardest black pill truths to swallow.
Some guys never grow out of it --- I used to work with an old Russian man, and his exact words "Russian women are the best women in the world"...please they're probably the second sluttiest after Colombians

(To koniec)

Guys that live vicariously because females of the same race as them are considered attractive are delusional and often think it will trickle down to them. Same with affinity for culture and food.

great point about food, while polish cuisine and especially british one are awful i've seen many food nationalist especially with curries or asians and southern europeans, that their food is superior... food nationalism is even dumber than foid nationalism tbh



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