Shirley #wingnut #conspiracy

So people, I’ve been waiting for two years for the takedown to be on and made public. I’ve endured so much ridicule and more for my views. I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut unless I’m online where I’ve been put in digital jail many, many times. I’m a conspiracy therorist, I’m a nut, I’m a danger to society, I’m not Christian – I’m evil, I’m “the problem”. I live with a very, very asleep spouse who hates Trump and all the far right people and I live with lecture after lecture on a daily basis. I can’t say a word about most anything to do with politics, trump or alternative news.
I’ve been waiting for the med beds for years so my body will work correctly again, my hearing loss is healed and my diabetes is healed and my bone marrow disease healed.
I’m crazy to stockpile anything, even toilet paper or the distilled water I drink, and so I can’t do that anymore. Why, you ask? I’m handicapped and in a wheelchair. I have to make lists for my spouse to pick up groceries, etc. I can only drive when he is away on his cycling or hiking excursions and I have access to the truck so I can put the wheelchair in and out of it myself. Carrying in purchases from the garage myself is exhausting.
I have no confidence in the White Hats anymore, their misinformation may have fooled the enemy but its also deeply discouraged the patriots and is turning us into non-believers. Our world is still controlled by the Biden regime and the elites and people are still being hurt and injured and more are dying every day, including innocent children and babies. We are living in so much emotional and physical and spiritual pain and it continues day after day after day despite the promises which never seem to happen.

Yes, I believe the wait is too long and too nebulous – something needs to happen for real. If the wait is for the asleep, I can vouch that my asleep spouse will never wake up until truths go very mainstream.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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