A white person voting for Barack Obama would be the same as a black person voting for David Duke. Both are racist to the core and attract racist supporters. Obama has the support of hard-core bigots such as the Right Reverend Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Louie "The Lip" Farrakhan and Spike Lee.
OK...how is this racist, and why is this person so convinced that Obama = Jesse Jackson?
Oh wait, because they're both black. Yep, racist.
Yeah, Obama's racist against whites...because he was mostly raised by a white mother and white grandparents who loved him. Do these people even know what they're saying, or do they just carelessly throw around insults, hoping that some will stick?
And I'm sure no white candidate was ever supported by racists.
Oh, shit...Ron Paul, right.
I don't see this as racist. It's actually anti-racist, although the poster is probably misinformed about some of the people he lists as supporters of Obama. (I know, for example, that Jesse Jackson said he would like to bust Obama's balls; probably not a strong supporter.)
For those of you who are pro-white (Bigot, American MinuteMan, Mortok, etc.), who are you voting for in this election? Bob Barr doesn't seem to be doing well in the polls (they didn't include him inthe presidential debate, does anyone know if he is still running??), but Obama and McCain both support anti-white policies. My dad and I are thinking about setting up a fund to support pro-white candidates in the next election.
Pro-white? What the fuck? I'm for Obama, you moron. And even if I were pro-white (what the fuck does that even mean?) it wouldn't matter. I cannot vote because I live in Australia, which is, thankfully, far, far away from you.
I don't see this as racist. It's actually anti-racist, although the poster is probably misinformed about some of the people he lists as supporters of Obama. (I know, for example, that Jesse Jackson said he would like to bust Obama's balls; probably not a strong supporter.)
It's racist because Calhoun equates black with racist. If he actually had any proof at all to show that Obama as racist against whites, other than 'he's black, that means he's racist' this would not be so.
To Will Derrickson:
'Pro-white' is an interesting phrase. I think a more accurate phrase would be anti-white, because the policies of the racists worthy of this title are likely to result in entirely justified blowback on the part of their victims and their victim's principled defenders, resulting in the exact opposite of their intent.
Lt. Fred, Obama's affiliation with Rev. Wright's church for twenty years does provide some evidence that Obama harbors racially-charged views. There is simply no way he would have sat in Wright's church for twenty years and titled his book, "The Audacity of Hope," after a Rev. Wright sermon without knowing what Wright stood for.
Lt. Fred, no, pro-white, as in in favor of policies that support the white population. If a bunch of niggers and gooks freak out and react negatively that's their problem!!!
Look, I'll admit Spike Lee and Louis Farrakhan do hurt his image a bit, but the man was raised by his maternal white grandparents. What're they going to do, raise him properly with one hand, and with the other tell him how whitey's keeping him down?
It's called logic, motherfucker; do you speak it?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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