For the last two generations students from kindergarten through graduate school have been constantly inculcated with the atheistic, humanistic, materialistic view of evolution. This is poisonous fountain from which flows humanism in all its Anti-Christian forms; Communism; Fascism, Relativism. But the evidence from science against evolution is mounting.
Darwin’s theory that life started from simple forms and evolved into more complex forms is being refuted almost daily. The more we know, the more see even that even the simplest forms of life are irreducibly complex and filled with millions of bits of complex genetic code. Did you know the human body has approximately 60 billion bits of intricate genetic information, at least that until recently, it might be as high as 120 billion bits.
Time Magazine recently reported a research team at the University of Washington has discovered a second code hidden within our DNA written on top of the other. The first code describes how proteins are made, the second language instructs the cell on how genes are to be controlled. Do you think further research will find there to be more or less complexity?
Stephan Hawkin, one of the famous “new atheists,” concludes; “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous. I think there are clearly religious implications.”
It’s a good thing the religion of evolution has been protected by the courts. If it had to stand on its own merits it collapses like a house of cards. It has done incalculable harm, but its days are numbered as a serious scientific theory.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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