carlamonimacaroni #psycho #sexist

I’m tired of men slowly becoming second class citizens.

For the past five or so years I’ve watched men be torn down at every moment. Years ago, men used to be looked up to. Now they are “disgusting,” “pigs,” and “dumb.” The men of the household used to be respected. Now when a man does literally anything he is criticized. This all culminated in an experience I had the other day. Now I’m by no means a masculine man. I’m average looking, average weight, pretty much a nobody really. This woman was in line behind me with what I assumed was her SO (another girl). The person in front of me (a young girl about 20 years old) asked if the other ladies behind me could go in front of me. I asked her why. She said “I don’t know, I just think THEY should go before YOU.” I was taken aback. I almost lost my shit. I just said. “I don’t think so.” And went on with my life. When I got to my car, I lost my shit. I probably looked like a psycho yelling at myself. I wished I could go back in time and talk some sense into that woman in front of me. I’m glad I held my tongue, but things like this make me irrationally angry. It’s also not good because it makes me feel worse around women in general. Now I’m afraid being around women. What will they think of me? Just because I’m a man will they think less of me? Am I a good person? I see why people don’t like women. Of course that’s wrong and an over generalization or simplification of things but still. Luckily I’m not one of those guys. But if I was? Imagine how much worse that situation would’ve been for the women around me. Anyway thanks for reading I guess.

I don't know how anyone can get mad at men for being angry. We're treated like absolute garbage and we're just expected to take it. Of course people are going to lash out. That's what happens when you constantly mistreat and insult and people.




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