IrishBecky #wingnut

I know I might lose watchers and deviantart friends over this, but these past couple days, I have felt so pissed off at all the Liberals who have been raising hell because of Trump winning. Burning people's property, beating up Trump supporters, pretty much throwing temper tantrums because their candidate lost like a bunch of immature, spoiled children.
You know what? I didn't like it when Obama was elected, but other Conservatives and I didn't throw temper tantrums and raise hell when he was. And Liberals have the nerve to say that they are the side of PEACE!?
I am not singling out every Liberal out there. I don't mind that you are disappointed and sad because of your loss, you have the right to be, but I'm just fed up with the ones who are causing so much drama and damage, and spreading so much hatred.
Anyway, I think everyone who is upset about the election should just get over it and move on. I also think that people should give Donald Trump a chance. It's like GOSH, he's not even in Office yet and already people are behaving like the world is going to end or something. I believe that he is going to make this Country great and prosperous again. I don't care what people think of me, I was very relieved when he won. My and fellow Christians' prayers have been answered. My sister and I even had dreams that he won right before the election ended. I highly doubt our country is now "doomed". I think things are going to get better.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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