If you want a war, go live in Yemen, dolt.
In olden times, “surplus” men were sent off to die in wars so more “valuable” men had their pick of the ladies, and the economic resources. “Surplus” then were second or third sons with no inheritance prospects, sons of poor people with no prospects whatsoever, and yes, probably also the ugly, the meek, the slightly disabled. Very few got noticed for any “masculinity”, they just died, and the ones who saw them die, also died.
Only a few of the strongest, most resilient and inventive people, and some of those who had someone waiting for them at home, stayed alive. None of that fits whiny, self-entitled man-babies.
The “T” in “fags” doesn’t matter. Ever hear about “fag-hags”, dolt? Some women feel safe with gay men; they are not trying to chat us up or feel us up, and we can discuss the merits of other men with them. It’s not the “T” that we’re looking for, but the H, as in humanity.
You had your chance of a war in the West when old Yugoslavia broke apart. What’s that? You were barely born then? So, you missed it; tough chance. Again, go live in Yemen.