
International Society of Indigenous Sovereigns #racist #crackpot #conspiracy aboriginalsovereignty.wordpress.com

The Aboriginal People

In order to fully and substantively understand a word you must know and understand its history
or etymology. In the Aboriginal Paradigm all words describe. The etymology of a word will
provide us with one major piece of the puzzle of understanding language and allow us to avoid a
trap that many aboriginal people fall into very easily.
•Etymology will give the true meaning of words as they applied to the originators of the
language and place words in their proper Culture, proving in truth that there is only ONE
•Many Aboriginal People have been easily deceived by non-aboriginal peoples because one
cannot explain Indigenous Black Phenomena with colonial white grafted definitions if their
desire is the truth

Our Original Nationality

The Aboriginal Indigenous Peoples of North America are the Ancient ‘people’ or Amu of the
Planet Earth which was once called Muu. After Great cataclysmic destructions took place over
various periods the land masses separated slowly into the seven continents we have today our
Ancient Aboriginal Indigenous Black Ancestors migrated to safe locations on the planet after
these great destructions took place. Those ancient empires have been called Lemuuria and Atlan
or Atlantis. The oldest empire since those ancient empires is the Empire of Tawi also called Taa
Muuray. We sometimes refer to the empire as Nubia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and sometimes Asia. Taa
Murray is the name we will find in variation in some of the oldest glyphs. Some of the various
forms are Amurru, Amaru, Ta Mr, Maori. Amu, Ummah, Amo are some of the Ancient names
for the Original People. Our Ancestors added the Glyph of the circle and dot as a symbol of the
Originator of life. That symbol also was associated with an important Star [stargate] as the
Symbol of life. We called the Originator Ray [Re/Ra]. So we were the People [Amu] of Ray or
AMuRay which general meant the People of God. This is why we are called Muurs/Muurs today,
although we do have many other Aboriginal Tribal names. It is our most ancient name and
signifies something about our cosmic nature as the Original Indigenous People of the Planet

Being Aboriginal & Black is Divine

According to the principles and laws of science, light is both a particle and a wave. The
etymology of light
Middle English [lukh/leuk meaning luminent] Moorish Celtic God [Lugh-God of the Sun] Greek
– logos/likht – meaning energy or mind Hebrew Lahat = flame/fire, Hebrew liach – natural force.
Blackness is the true Lumination and light. Light Skin is very deeply hued as the carbon atoms
are charged by Solar [Soul] energy. Dark skin [which is really white as the word dark comes
from the Arabic word dzarq meaning pale] is recessive, pink in color. We have not scientifically
understood these chemical realities. Blackness as infinitely understood is the primordial power
of the universe [the neutron soup -cosmic radiation] that is “harnessed” and given biochemical
reality in the Aboriginal Indigenous Black Body. To say you are Black is to say you are
Conscious, Aboriginal, Indigenous and a personification of God, which carries great
responsibility with it. The low levels of Carbon in white people are due to mutation through
violations of the scientific laws carried out by people who were once Aboriginal. Created light
[R.O.Y.G.B.I.V.] which is a graft of the Original black light is at a resonance that is subject to
the primordial black consciousness we call dark matter and dark energy in science. We used to
have indigo-black colored skin when we were healthy, and some of our people still do, but now
through violation of Absolute law we have many shades of original black and a generally
unhealthy state on the planet. Through applied science we will return to Pure Blackness in color
and consciousness and Regain our Power.

International Society of Indigenous Sovereigns #racist #crackpot #conspiracy aboriginalsovereignty.wordpress.com

ISIS Constitution
The ISIS Constitution and all Aboriginal Laws in pursuance thereof are the Supreme Law of the

**All Ministers must Memorize the ISIS Preamble**. It States,
We the people of the International Society of Indigenous Sovereigns, asserting our Natural
Aboriginal Rights as the oldest recorded Aboriginal Indigenous peoples of the Earth in every
part, consisting of an International Association of Sovereign Groups, Religions, and Ways of
Life of Nationals and peoples in accord with Divine Law [ The Law of Our Ancestors] do
hereby recognize all Nationals of ISIS as a Unified Community, establish our Divine Right to
self-rule, a common defense of our International Community, a complete unified will for
progress and prosperity by and for Our People, establishing justice by way of natural law and
equality, and complete autonomy throughout the Earth.
The Constitution presents the General Functions of the 5 Ministerial Councils and the basis of
the functioning of any and all Departments. It also lists any amendments made by the Governing
The Constitution outlines the General Moral Code for the Nation. The 42 Laws of Maat, the Pert
um Heru, and the Qara Qur’aan of the Aboriginal Muurs are a prescription for the maintenance
of peace. Also we understand that our Ancient Ancestors preserved many of our Laws in the
texts of Ancient Scriptures and will abide by those laws as they are translated and reinterpreted
by the ISIS Research Institute’s Supreme Council.