
Light Is Not Good Award

Lyran Council of Light via Beti Kotevski #ufo #conspiracy #magick #psycho betikotevski.com

Lyran Council of Light: The sovereignty plan was created some time ago when it was determined once and for all that all hope was lost in the free will experiment (on Gaia/Earth).
Hence, we moved our light forces in – many star families are here (in Earth’s atmosphere and solar system), not just the Lyrans – and with help from our cousins of love and light, we have managed to stop further intervention (from the dark ones), and now we are “cleaning up” what is left after the free will experiment went wrong (due to Reptilian and Draconian intervention).
You do not need to be concerned with how they will specifically be dealt with. Just know that we have many realms and many worlds that can accommodate such beings who need to more intensively learn lessons.

You are correct, there are programmed soulless beings and they will be eliminated, but the others with souls will be dealt with by being removed from Gaia to another realm, so that they no longer interfere with her ascension and the ascension of beings of love and light which we need all light-workers to come and help guide.

Beings without souls will be led off Gaia, eliminated, as they are merely programmed shells, and dark beings with souls will be dealt with in the full power of Source. When these dark beings are removed, the natural vibrational frequency of Gaia will rise.

On top of that, light waves we are sending from the great central sun and your sun, plus the rise in frequency from your light beings clearing their channels and putting love as supreme in their hearts, with these combined factors, Gaia’s ascension plan is back on track.