
Pioneer #conspiracy blacklistednews.com

Israel owns America completely and will ride that gravy train into the ground, then walk away. Jews have a history of going into countries and conquering and starving the indigenous people until they rise up and kick the Jews out. If America doesn't do it, it is a doomed country. The Jews in Germany declared war on Germany in 1933 and acted to starve the German people, as the Jews had managed to own everything by then. What choice did the Germans have. It was either starve or fight. I believe America will starve and not fight.

Lee Rogers #conspiracy blacklistednews.com

[could also be a fstdt since I found the link at Rapture Ready]

Government terrorists are continuing their dark eugenics agenda of enslavement and death. The New York State Assembly has proposed a bill that would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for any children attending the government’s brainwashing camps. These government brainwashing camps are more commonly referred to by the corporate controlled media as the public school system.