
ModerateDem #fundie boston.com

[Regarding a federal judge finding the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional:]

What a shocker!! A Massachusetts based federal judge extends a state made up right to be a federal made up right. If you go judge shopping this is what happens. Still doesn't make a same-sex marriate a real marriage. You can call a pig a duck, but it can't quack.

Henry Bowman #racist #psycho boston.com

"Almost 1,033,000 iraqi civilian deaths as a result of the war on terror .."

Excuse me...?

Personally I couldn't care less. Had I been President, the entire ME would be a radioactive wasteland after what happened to the WTC. Mecca as a sheet of glass would be a fine repayment.

But these magnificent pictures and this date are reserved for an event you seem to have forgotten. I suggest you review what happened to the truly innocent here on this date.

Laurie #fundie boston.com

My 7 year old is smart enough to look at his toys and know they didn't just get there by chance. Those toys did not just evolve out of a premordial soup, no, those simple toys had a Maker.
How much more so the complexity of the Sun, or even our cells, so complex, but we are expected to believe that something that complex just arrived by chance.
You can believe that, but as for me, I believe in God, and I believe that God came down in the person of Jesus to save us from our sins.

Rickey Bueno #fundie boston.com

I haven't read all the comments on here but I did read a handfull of em' and was quite disturbed by the lack of belief in Jesus Christ. Your comment was right on the money and I couldn't have said it better myself. I would rather believe and then be disappointed to find out that He doesn't exist than to not believe and find out that He does! Hell is a real place and I once read a quote that I will always remember.... "Earth is the only hell christian will ever know. However, earth is the only heaven a non-believer will know. "

Miran Sheikh #fundie boston.com

Masha Allah! The pictures and the descriptions below the pictrures are fantastic, simply marvellous and heavenly.

It is no doubt Allah's, God's, Jehova's or Bhagawan's whatever you call, creation.
Now, having seen the pirctures, nobody has the guts to argue that God does'nt exist. God was there, is there and will be there. Amen.

zahid #fundie boston.com

[In response to a picture of the surface of the sun.]

78. Amazing picture! I think those who will be punished after death may be they will thrown in similar place; So this picture will help them to believe in GOD!

An American Christian #fundie boston.com

On the Large Hadron Collider

I would have been more interested to see what would happen if they spend that much money and effort honoring the Lord Jesus Christ. This project is a giant testimony to the ego of man, and its creation is similar to the building of the tower of babel. Having spent most of my life as an engineer, this attitude is new to me. But technology is only good if it benefits man. My life work pretty much benefitted Bill Gates. In retrospect, I wish I had spent my life helping people in a more meaningful way. When I get to heaven, I want to say more for myself than, I wrote a bunch of drivers. These scientists will be able to say, "We build the worlds largest machine". In the end, God will have his way and the project will create as many questions as answers, and faith will still be a virtue. IMHO

Shauna #fundie boston.com

On the LHC

Amazing that people this "smart" are willing to believe that something like THIS created us, and yet they won't believe in God! What a crock of poop!!

Jesus lives--(and He created magnets!)

Anonymous #fundie boston.com

On the LHC again and this one is truly facepalm worthy

First of all, do NOT believe a thing these intellectual idiots are telling you. The public [you and I] will never be told what the real purpose of this device is being created for, I can assure you. The GOD particle, my foot!!!~ This is the OPPOSITE and it is going to be used for a demonic purpose. There is no BIG BANG. It is all a lie, too. They [science] cannot even cure the common cold. Go check out some Egyptian hieroglyphics and you will see that this thing [Collider] has already been invented. GOD created this whole universe. HE is ever merciful and patience beyond belief. The problem with this thing [Collider] is that there is NO fear of GOD. The time is coming folks, we are all going to be physically/bodily shaking from HIS AWESOME power, not some manmade collider. We are out-of-time. Get right with GOD. Live for HIM—— HE is all we are going to have at the end of it all—— And for some reason, I think all of us [the human race] know this in our "knower". We just need to be reminded that GOD is not up in Heaven wringing HIS hands wondering what is going to happen next. HE is going to shake this whole world to its core————. He will let man destroy himself - - to a point!!!!~

d. taylor #fundie boston.com

we are playing God by creating and implementing this thing and we're not quite sure what were going to get from it . The Book of Revelations in the Bible talks about creatures coming out of the abyss. Could we be making a portal for these demonic being s to enter our atmosphere and torment a third of mankind? Also these chem-trails we are told are the space programs project to control global warming, but the chemicals they are using are causing death and disease to the planets inhabitants,insects animals and humans alike. Its like a dark corporate order wants to destroy what God has made because they have a vendetta of revenge against Him and His creation. Sounds like a world takeover to me. The
Bible says world without end Amen. My question is what kind of world? Human kind or alien(demonic) kind.

Reverie #fundie boston.com

On the again LHC

With all of it's magnificent looks and curiosity - it will cause disasterous results - if it works that is. They have just recently discovered what sonar from submarines has done to the marine life. Devastating results come to find out 30 years too late.
There are some things not to be messed with. Such as creation. Anybody who still believes in the Bible might want to remember the Tower of Babel.
The majority of people have quit believing in our creator. It was not a Big Bang folks.
One day everyone will be asked one very important question. "What is my name?" I hope you have the right answer.
There is only one - AND HIS SON Jesus Christ. Don't be confused with the Father.
There is only one true religion that does not believe in politics, war, guns, and crimes agaist humanity. There is only one truth. Man can not come close to the power of our creator. He will not let them.
Believe what you will - Live the you you will - step down when you're asked.

Luposian #fundie boston.com

On the LHC again. also how is this person not in a mental ward.

I suspect that if we Christians are meant to see any of Revelation come to pass, this LHC may be how it happens. Ever wonder how on earth such strange horrible creatures as mentioned in Revelation, which attack man or cause other mayhem, could possibly exist? Most Christians say it's allegorical (I think I'm using that word right), not literal. But... what if this device actually creates a rip between the physical realm and the spirit realm and we start seeing manifestations of these horrible creatures?

Or maybe the radiation and all whatnot, cause massive mutations. Maybe demons help the process along. Insects live very short lives. The mutatable life cycle of an insect is relatively short. Weeks to months, on average. What if those flying insects with scorpion tails and crowns and whatnot, actually are mutated, demon possessed creatures, as a result of this LHC doing it's thing?

Could a small black hole, formed on earth, suck space debris down to earth, causing large rocks "about the weight of a talent" (50-100 lbs. each, from what I've read) to hit?

This device might very well open us up to seeing stuff we never before imagined. Stuff that would make make us ALL cower in fear... saying "My God, what have we unleashed upon ourselves?!?"

I sense this LHC device may be the beginning of sorrows, the likes of which NONE of us can imagine... but I guess we'll all see soon enough, if that happens...

Plenty of people were warned... can't say they weren't. Mankind is definitely playing with forces of which they ought not. It may well be our ultimate undoing. And, that undoing, would all be (interestingly enough) noted down in a little book called... the bible.

But, I must admit... the thing is unfathomably MASSIVE! The arial pic shows just how big it is. The inside is huge, but... the rings... MILES in length! How long has this thing in contruction? Years? And to think I hadn't heard of it until just this year! Wild.

"A danger foreseen is half avoided."

Ronald Marquez #fundie boston.com

Officers responding to a report of an exorcism on a young girl found her grandfather choking her and used stun guns to subdue the man, who later died, authorities said Sunday.

The 3-year-old girl and her mother, who was also in the room during the struggle between 49-year-old Ronald Marquez and officers, were hospitalized, police said. Their condition was unavailable.

The relative who called police said an exorcism had also been attempted Thursday.

"The purpose was to release demons from this very young child," said Sgt. Joel Tranter.

Officers arrived at the house Saturday and entered when they heard screaming coming from a bedroom, Tranter said.

A bed had been pushed up against the door; the officers pushed it open a few inches and saw Marquez choking his bloodied granddaughter, who was crying in pain and gasping, Tranter said.

A bloody, naked 19-year-old woman who police later determined to be Marquez's daughter and the girl's mother was in the room, chanting "something that was religious in nature," Tranter said.

The officers forced open the door enough for one to enter, leading to a struggle in which an officer used a stun gun on Marquez, Tranter said.

Frosty Hardiman #fundie boston.com

[A protestor opposed to showing "An Inconveneient Truth" in elementary school.]

"No, you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming," Hardiman wrote in an e-mail to the Federal Way School Board.

The 43-year-old computer consultant is an evangelical Christian who said he believes that a warming planet is "one of the signs" of Jesus Christ's imminent return for Judgment Day.

The Association of Christian Schools International #fundie boston.com

The Association of Christian Schools International, which represents more than 800 schools, filed a federal lawsuit Thursday claiming UC admissions officials have refused to certify high school science courses that use textbooks challenging Darwin's theory of evolution. Other rejected courses include "Christianity's Influence in American History."

According to the lawsuit, the Calvary Chapel Christian School in Murrieta was told its courses were rejected because they use textbooks printed by two Christian publishers, Bob Jones University Press and A Beka Books.

Wendell E. Bird, a lawyer for the association, said the policy violates the rights of students and religious schools.

"A threat to one religion is a threat to all," he said.

[Here are some actual excerpts from the textbook in question:

(p 10) When man looks at a statement, whether based on repeated observations, a hunch, logic, or even faith, it must fit into one of four catagories:

1. Revealed Truth: that which is revelated in Scripture, whether or not man has scientifically proved it. If it is in the Bible, it is already true without requiring additional proof.
3. Fallacy: that which contradicts God's revealed truth, no matter how scientific, how commonly believed, or how apparently workable or logical it may seem; or that which is contradicted by scientific evidence.

(p 11, a short quiz) Classify the following statements as either (a) part of revealed truth, (b) possibly part of unrevealed truth, or (c) fallacy, according to how God views truth.
(1) Man evolved from apes. [The answer is C by the way.]

(p 27) God created humans and all other organisms with the ability to reproduce after their own kind (Gen 1:12, 21, 25, 28); therefore, humans reproduce humans, oak trees reproduce oak trees, and cats reproduce cats. The idea that all life forms descended from a common ancestor cell that originated from nonliving chemicals is absurd.

Jeeezus! No wonder they rejected this "science" textbook.]