
JACK OLIVER #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #racist caitlinjohnstone.com

The ZIO/US continue with this idiotic charade that this demented old fool has something to contribute !

The game is up for the Rothschilds AND the Rothschilds attack dogs the US military and NATO who only exist to plunder the worlds resouces !

Biden is glaring evidence of that !

How quickly people forget that Russia was accused of bombing hospitals in Syria and commiting human rights atrocities !

DITTO Syria who were also accused of chemical weapons attacks – ‘barrel ‘ bombing – killing babies – every despicable lie they could conjure up – the Rothschilds owned western media were relentless as they are now !

In the end Russia destroyed ISIS and there was NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO could do about it !

America is a disgrace and the Rothschiilds created wars have brought untold misery on 100s of millions worldwide who have been killed – maimed and displaced !

This had to END and Russia is ending it !

The ZIO/US/NATO can do nothing now and they KNOW it !!

Russia is far too sophisticated !

If you think that the Taliban retook Kabul in ONE week – bloodlessly and unopposed without help from Russia and China ( who were doing drills on the Afghan border at the time ) using sophisticated electronic weaponry- well – you are living in fairyland !

There is absolutely NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO can do – they are not capable !

There will be NO war – only collapse !