
Megha #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #elitist fxtwitter.com

(She’s responding to a whimsical finish to a man’s wedding announcement.)

“No take backsies!!” 😵‍💫

Many modern men are gay, even when they’re straight. This is a serious issue. If men cannot be serious, society cannot accomplish serious things. Proper standards of dignity must be enforced via judgement.

Megha #wingnut #elitist fxtwitter.com

(Submitter’s note: Two successive tweets)

Any “right wing” person who wastes their time “debating” leftists has already admitted defeat.

You need to be elitism maxxing. You need to make the stupids know they’re not invited to the conversation. You need to be imposing your will on the world and curating elite networks.

Losers debate. Winners give a haughty laugh from their silk gowns and shut the doors on people who are not spiritually or intellectually worthy of being taken seriously. The enlightenment was a mistake.

Megha #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #psycho fxtwitter.com

(Submitter’s note: “Thymotic” seems to refer to the Platonic concept of the thymos, the portion of the soul that contained such things as pride, shame, and indignation. Also remember that this is a woman posting.)

Gay is a word I could write a whole treatise about.

What makes men gay is a rejection or abdication of his God Given thymotic rage. When he acts like a ‘lil bi*ch’

It’s primarily psychological and the sodomy is the logical conclusion of it, but not the central aspect of it.