The Monarchists Black-Yellow Alliance (SGA) #wingnut #elitist #crackpot #racist
Basics of the SGA program
Non-denominational - Pro-European - Monarchist-
Our foundation is the European tradition, which includes the values of Christianity and the Enlightenment.
As responsible citizens from the middle of society, we are unconditionally committed to democracy, the rule of law and the separation of powers. Although we want to change the form of government, we are true to the letter on the basis of the current constitution of Austria and confess that we only strive for a change in the form of government via the path prescribed by the legislature and thus in a democratic way.
With the reintroduction of the monarchy, the currently applicable Nobility Repeal Act is to be amended so that people whose ancestors were entitled to use a title of nobility until 1918 because of their achievements for the good of the country regain this right for themselves and their descendants. However, this is only on the condition that the person in question has already actively campaigned for the restoration during the republican interregnum or at least has openly demonstrably committed to it. In all other cases, the titles are considered to have expired.
All other rights and privileges, apart from the use of the predicate, have been abolished as they were under the dual monarchy. In addition, we see the nobility as particularly committed to working for the good of society.
We propose that the number of seats that would be allocated to the proportion of non-voters after an election should be filled by non-partisan persons chosen by the monarch from among deserving citizens. This would also represent the non-voters and white voters in parliament.