
Wes Penre #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot wespenrevideos.com

The entire Nibiru narrative is a misnomer, however, as I see it. What I learned when I researched for the WPP was that Nibiru was the Queen of Orion’s “spaceship.” I also learned that the original Garden of Edin was inside that planet/spaceship. I also discussed the hollowed-out asteroids and planetoids that the Alien Invader Force (AIF) used and still allegedly use as their spaceships. Thus, they mimicked the Queen’s original hollowed-out craft, Nibiru.

If we try to connect the dots from what I have learned and hypothesized thus far, I will argue that Nibiru is in fact planet Earth, and the original Garden of Edin was the version of Earth that was manifested between the 7th and 8th Heavens, as told in the Gnostic texts. It was a higher dimensional version of our current Earth.
After the Flood, Yaldabaoth (the masculine force) and an aspect of Sophia (the feminine force in this part of the Kenoma), genetically manipulated the antediluvian Cro-Magnon and homo sapiens, which then became homo sapiens sapiens—today’s humans. A few other species survived as well, such as the already mentioned yeti and several giants. There are even records of Europeans coming to the Americas encountering giants, and that was only a few centuries ago. Interesting also that the skeletons with elongated skulls found in Peru, for example, were giants and had red hair. However, giant skeletons have been found all over the world, but most of them have been hidden and locked away by institutions, such as the Smithsonian Institution.