Why is it that whenever we read certain headlines, we can be almost certain that the story is about black people? “Four Dead, Including Child, After Stimulus Check Dispute Leads to Gunfire.” Or how about “Toddler Died After Being Left Alone for Six Days as Mother Celebrated 18th Birthday”? Even the very leftist Wikipedia recognizes that on intelligence tests there is “a difference in average scores between black people and white people of 1.1 standard deviations.” But IQ isn’t the whole story. If you compare blacks and whites with the same IQs, black behavior is still different.
A black woman with a 100 IQ is still 2.5 times more likely that a white woman with the same IQ to have been on welfare.image Control for IQ, and Black women are still five times more likely to have illegitimate babies.image You get similar data for the likelihood that men will be in prison. If you limit the sample to men with an IQ of 100, blacks are still 2.5 times more likely to be in jail.
The obligatory explanation is that systemic racism and white supremacy are making life miserable for blacks. There is a better explanation. Richard Lynn has written a book showing that blacks, across the board, are more likely than whites to be psychopaths. Blacks are more psychopathic than whites on all counts and, by the way, whites are more psychopathic than Asians. This is shown in personality tests. Blacks and American Indians get the highest scores on psychopathy, followed by Hispanics, then whites, then Asians.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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