Cetaceans of Sirius B via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com
<Example Early Galaxygirl. 2018>
Greetings human friends. We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B, and of your own current home world, Gaia. For we are all inextricably linked together, yet are all one heartbeat of the Mother of all things, in whale form. You too, human friends, are but an expression of the Mother within your own form. The Mother is life. She breaths within you, just as she breathes within us as we swim and breach and play with our young ones. We see humanity moving ever closer to understanding of these things. Humanity needs to relearn the art of play, of fun, of relaxation. These concepts have been removed, distorted. Life was supposed to be enjoyed, co-creating with the Mother of all things, with Source light, in utter peace and joy.
Would you human friends like to swim with us now? Put your feet ankle deep into the cool ocean surf. Hear the foamy bubbles popping with glee and joy and jump in! We are available to swim with, to coach you as you begin to re-remember how to play in the surf of life and of these glorious new energies that are bringing us closer to you, in communications such as this, which previously have been quite rare. But as the nature kingdoms, the animal kingdoms - as we all rise up with humanity, our communication sequences will strengthen, and our bond will become stronger. Telepathy will become normal, commonplace, and you and us, your whale friends, will be able to clearly communicate across vast distances should you desire it. We are always willing to listen. Perhaps we may offer a different perspective? One learns to embrace and enjoy the quiet of the deep. The energies are churning your surf - your surface world - quite readily at this juncture of timelines.