"During a recent broadcast of The 700 Club, a woman sent in a question asking why the men she dated always lost interest in her after finding out that her three daughters were adopted from three different countries and not her biological children that come with child support.
Robertson disagreed with a female co-host's gut reaction that it was because they are "dogs" and it is "just wrong."
"No, it's not wrong," Robertson responded. "I mean, a man doesn't want to take on the United Nations."
"You don't know what problems there are," he continued. "I've got a dear friend who adopted a little kid from an orphanage down in Colombia. The child had brain damage -- you know -- grew up weird."
Aah, Pat Robertson, always as kind, generous and loving as before.
*Robertson disagreed with a female co-host's gut reaction that it was because they are "dogs" and it is "just wrong."
I too would disagree: she shouldn't qualify them of "dogs" because:
-it's insulting towards dogs, who are faithful animals;
-some terms are more appropriate for these men, like "morons".
*"No, it's not wrong," Robertson responded. "I mean, a man doesn't want to take on the United Nations."
Yes, why someone would adopt darkies?
Why does this man have a TV show? No, really. Who the hell watches this crap? Who tunes in to watch a senile, nigh on insane old guy rambling on and on about vaguely religious nonsense and thinks "Yes, this man has the right idea!" ?
How very compassionate and Christ-like of you, Patty.
Apparently you've managed to never read any part of the New Testament. That's the only way I can think of that you can call yourself a Christian and have opinions like that.
"Suffer little children to come unto Me and hinder them not."
Ever hear of that one Pat? It was said by a supposed friend of yours.
And what about, "If I have not charity, then I am as a sounding gong"
How do you think you sound. Would tyou accept hypocritical?
So basically, Pat thinks that children born with disabilities and/or who aren't American are automatically worth less and therefore are undeserving of a loving, stable environment. Yet more proof that Pat Robertson is a heartless sociopath.
Yeah, because only kids from Colombia have brain damage!
I have a second cousin who is adopted from Colombia, her brain works just fine, and she's probably more well-adjusted and mainstream than I am.
@ Raised by Horses:
"Why does this man have a TV show? No, really. Who the hell watches this crap?"
It's a good question. Where I live Robertson's TV show is on at three different times of the day. Yet no one I know (and this includes a few life long Repugnicans) has ever watched his show, or read any of his books or magazines. No one. I can't figure how he has so much money.
"Why hasn't anyone on that show noticed that Pat has gone senile? He's clearly got some memory and functional problems that only get worse every time I see him."
Because Ronald Reagan is their hero and Pat is acting like him.
@Raised by Horses and 1439528
When ABC bought Fox Family Channel (now ABC Channel), their lawyers forgot to notice that Pat Robertson, as the former proprietary of CBN Satellite Service (an arm of CBN; he sold it at Fox), kept for himself 2-3 unsupervised hours of airtime per day (morning, late evening, overnight) and enacted the obligation to keep "family" in the title.
If these dispositions aren't respected, all sales deeds are voided on the spot and Robertson win back the channel.
ABC had managed to reduce by twice a day the airing and are putting disclamers to say that they disagree with the content and are maybe now training their lawyers to search in theirs futures contracts for this kind of embarrasing dispositions.
Yay I got a quote submitted!
Pat Robertson needs to be off the air. I can't believe that a woman who's adopted 3 kids from countries other than America is asking him for advice. C'mon, lady, you're clearly better than that.
As someone with an adopted sibling from another country:
Excuse the language but I never thought Pat Robertson would come this close to insulting me personally. He's insulted people who share my beliefs, my political ideals and my sexual practices, but decrying an act of compassion that my family chose to perform just takes it to a whole new level of jackassery
Ok, forget Pat Robertson, just flush his crap (and him) down the toilet where it (and he) belongs.
Now, back to the woman who sent in the question.
If the men were really interested in her, the origins of her kids would be unimportant. I think she's drawing false conclusions. It's probably not that the men don't want the kids, they just don't want her and she's refusing to see that and is placing the blame on her kids.
If she's like that in other things too, then it's not hard to guess why the men lose interest in her.
This is ignorant as hell, but I've watched that programme a couple of times and the whole thing is loathsome.
They always have a story about how someone is experiencing financial difficulties but nevertheless keeps sending in money. The message: Keep sending us your money.
It's blatant exploitation of vulnerable people.
Pat, I hope you burn in hell for your lies.
By the way how about those Jets (0-3 in preseason, 0 TD) and Broncos (1-2 in preseason, 8 TD)?
Sociologically, all the different forms of marriage are cultural devices for the conservation of capital and the raising of children. Anthropologically, it is a tool for passing on each partner's genes to the third generation.
Accordingly, there has to be an economic calculus in marital decisions. You're asking "Why aren't they entering into this Institution with me without disregarding what the Institution is for?
Are you dating guys who couldn't afford to support four dependants? That's a similar economic calculation.
Of course, there's always the likelihood that it has nothing to do with the children, and the guys are dropping you once they get to know you.
So...you oppose abortion and birth control, you decry the "nanny state" that provides services for children without family support and now you are discouraging adoption.
Mr. Robertson, you have officially broken the stupid-meter!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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