MTKintsugi #wingnut

The left keeps promoting the idea that the only abortions that happen are 100% driven by pregnant women themselves who make that decision for themselves and have no pressure from anyone outside of themselves.

That is not at all accurate.

Significant others, former sexual partners, parents, doctors/healthcare providers, even insurance companies… immense pressure, more often than not, comes from outside of these women who are bullied into believing that bearing a child in less than optimal circumstances is a deal breaker in their ability to be mothers.

Remove these influences from being able to apply the pressure of an abortion when it’s easily accessible, and more children will be born.

It’s not so much that the women themselves are making the loudest noises o n this isssue, it’s the ones who want to be able to say who should and who should not have babies.

Women have always had the power to decide for themselves and will continue to. The ones who are losing are those who would seek to influence her for their own agendas and pretend to support abortion rights for her benefit.

It’s not for her benefit… it’s for theirs.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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