various commenters #transphobia

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Why being Minority is considered virtuous ?
Look at TiMs in women's sports. They always cry they are being targeted despite being a minority. Why does being Minority warrants a free pass ?

Same thing happens with religious minorities who are a majority group in a lot of countries. We are supposed to turn a blind eye to their woman oppressing customs just because they are a minority here. That's it, that's the only justification.

Everyone can be a minority if you draw enough lines. Even among ethnic minorities, you could draw more likes based on their income levels.

The TiM argument I see a lot on reddit, like Why are they making laws to keep out just 2 or 3 trans girls UwU ffs

( Calidris )
I mean they say that, but they're not even consistent.

Trans are a minority so they must get special privileges to abuse women at their leisure.

Detrans people are a minority of a minority, so they should get extra extra special treatment, right? WRONG for some reason they get treated basically as badly as us TERFs. Probably because they're mostly women, but also because the religious zealot hates the apostate MUCH more than the infidel.

Also Jewish people are a minority, especially compared to the billions of muslims, but they're almost as hated as women are. Obviously Jewish women get the brunt of it.

Also minorities that don't behave in woke approved manner, like Asian people who despite discrimination perform often better than whites in the USA, lose their minority status and become "white adjacent".

( Misssarcasm )
Critical race theory turned into an easy black-and-white topic. Being a minority -> being oppressed. Oppression is evil -> majority is evil -> minority is good.

( MKatie )
Add on to that with the fact that people love labels. They want to be special, and a minority label can be seen to attention seekers as a “more important” label, since it allows them to be part of a special, small group that’s “inherently good” and deserves more for being so small and oppressed.

Edit: I should say that I don’t think all minority labels are inherently bad, in case it came off with that when I re-read it. Some do genuinely bring up injustices that should be changed, but in cases like TIMs it’s a total play for “special points”



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