kathcetera #conspiracy nj.com

Obama’s main problem is that he is a far-left terrorist sympathizer, dishonestly posing as a moderate “unifier” — he would not be able to get above 30% of the vote max. without the Goebbels-MSM running propaganda for him 24/7.

Once enough of the public gets wise to all of the lies and fabrications that have been presented by and for him, once enough people understand that he is the Manchurian Candidate of the political left, he is finished. Race has absolutely nothing to do with it, but of course the propandistic frauds of the left try to pretend that is the issue so that they will be able to wail about supposed racism in this campaign for the rest of their lives. If we thought all the whining and bleating about Willie Horton was bad, we ain’t seen nothing yet!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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