various commenters #transphobia

RE: Sexual Offenses Are More Common Among Transwomen Than Men

( MarkS )
Please: you are a WOMAN, not a "cis woman". Do not degrade yourself with their awful language.

( MarkS )
It IS an easy problem: segregate by biological sex, period.

This solution has worked for thousands of years. We don't need to invent a new one, or pretend that the old one doesn't work. It does.

( The 21st Century Salonnière )
It did work until trans identities became more common. I want the spaces by sex but you know every post op or passing transwoman is going to complain about it: “what, so you want Blair White in the men’s room?”

( MarkS )
No policy is going to make everyone happy.

( Sam )
It is misogyny. Plain and simple. We are currently living in a time where someone with a penis is demanding access to womens spaces and we are expected to just go along with it. It’s shameful and frightening.

( MarkS )
Yes, it is the revenge of the patriarchy.

You women thougt you had carved out safe spaces and places for youselves, but guess what? We men are now women too! We can enter, we can dominate, we can win the prizes at the competitions you foolishly thought were yours alone.

( MarkS )
Also, I wish you (who know better) would stop using the Orwellian language of the cult.

There is no such thing as a "transwoman".

There are only men who wish they were women, and who go to extreme lengths of drugs and surgery to pass as women.

But they are not, and never can be, women.

"Transition" from one sex to another is a biological impossibility for mammals.

This is a plain fact of science. Mammalian sex is encoded at the cellular level. No amount of drugs or surgery can change it.

The cult has been extremely successful in forcing its Orwellian use of language on the rest of us. For example, "sex assigned at birth" is an absurdity. Sex is not "assigned" at birth, it is DETERMINED at birth, by a procedure (looking at the newborn's genitals) that has a 99.98% success rate.

So please, those of us who know the truth, let's stop going along with the cult's indoctrination and language.

Speak the truth. Live not by lies.



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