Various Incels #sexist #transphobia

RE: [Brutal] Trannymaxxing


Dude in the article wasn't even ugly in looks. at least low tier normie, but he had software engineering job so beta buxxing was a possibility. Even then, none of his current options sufficed and he had to resort to the trannymaxxing. JFL

Trans woman embraces ‘very lucky’ new life — and 1,400 Tinder matches


he was chadlite before the transition and got 60 matches in 2 years. thats less than 3 matches a month. it's so fucking over. foid privilege ffs

This guy who mogs me to fucking oblivion was getting 3 matches a month ON AVERAGE and sucumbed to degeneracy. Now because he resembles a foid has life on tutorial mode. But women have it just as hard right?


90% of trannies are straight male fetishists gone out of control. Luckily they are fewer in number than furries, yet are top dog in LGBTQIUHIFHF circles

Most of them are autogynephiles. They basically have a cross dressing and self feminization fetish that gets completely out of control. They start wanting to live as their jerk off fantasy girl alter ego all the time. I have no idea what a good match rate is for a male on Tinder. You guys are calling him a Chadlite so I’m guessing three or four matches a month is decent? In some of the YouTube Tinder experiments I’ve watched even a full on Chad only seemed to have about the match rate of a less attractive girl.

don't be fooled. Trannymaxxing is the equivalent to twinkmaxxing. You're only as good as your youth. The moment you stop looking young, you're fucked. You ever see an old tranny? I hope not, that's disgusting but either way most kill themselves by that time. You won't live a long life trannymaxxing, and you'll more than likely be the bottom with your chad or sugardaddy.



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