My problem is not with sinners, we are all guilty, at least I am. My flesh is a cesspool of filth however, I have a really BIG problem with those who have some sin that they enjoy but they also want Jesus. So they build a doctrine that excuses what they enjoy, they justify their sin by teacing that it is not wrong, but only natural... everyone does it. Well everyone may... but that does not make it ok. It just menas we all need the righteousness of Christ.
Compromise... humanism.
Look, if masochism is your thing, then that's fine, but not everyone has to be as self-loathing as you.
My flesh is a cesspool of filth
dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!dirty fundie take a bath!
My problem is not with sinners, we are all guilty, at least I am.
Your Honour, I want to get my own lawyer!
"I have a really BIG problem with those who have some sin that they enjoy but they also want Jesus"
You should have no problem with me then. I have many many sins that I enjoy, and I couldn't give a fuck about your jesus.
>My flesh is a cesspool of filth
Well for chrissakes, man, take a bath! It's pretty simple!
Are you talking about the mass murder? George Bush lied to start a war knowing that a great amount of people would get killed. He must have got some enjoyment out of that. It's like being a serial killer on a vast scale, isn't it? The fudge is the Justifiable war... Hmmm. How's that for twisting things to suit yourself? What a doctrine.
Re AMPM, it should be easy enough to get his computer address and report him to his ISP and the police. I have some friends you know about that sort of thing and I'll have a word with them.
Do you have fines and penalties for this sort of thing in America?
Re AMPM, it should be easy enough to get his computer address and report him to his ISP and the police. I have some friends you know about that sort of thing and I'll have a word with them.
Do you have fines and penalties for this sort of thing in America?
What about the Poes who are mocking him and using his handle to say he has a small penis. They won't get in trouble will they?
*Looks around innocently*
BCD is probably not AMPM. BigChickenDinner is a Poe, and has left fairly obvious hints to that effect.
AMPM, on the other hand, is a jackass spammer who needs to have his posts removed, so he can't get the attention he's obviously starving for.
That's not Christian righteousness, jbow, but a slave's inhibition.
Normal people accept the freedom that the Constitution guarantees, and they are free to explore their potential, within certain agreed-upon limits.
You are free to live your life as a bible-zombie, if that's what floats your boat. Most other people have opted for freedom. Which includes the freedom to make oneself a totally vulgar pariah in the threads...but as Jefferson said, "I'd rather deal with the consequences of too much freedom, than those of not enough."
Are you too timid to live? And too timid to kill yourself. But not too timid to whine on a forum about your self-hate. All you're doing in this world is trying to infect other people with the same disease you have. No one cares if you 'think' you have a 'really BIG problem' with anything - any one can see your really big problem is that you are mentally disordered and you refuse to seek help. Oh well.. Maybe I should be less annoyed at you, and more annoyed at whoever taught you to hate yourself so well.
Ugh...these kinds of quotes really bug me. It's one thing to say, "I've done some bad things/sins, but I apologize and am trying to do better in future". It's another to say that you're a "cesspool of filth." And teaching that to a child?! That's damn near abusive in my eyes. :(
Wait? What AMPM=Big Chicken Dinner?
I liked Big Chicken Dinner's posts! They were hilarious! He was intending to be logically inconsistent, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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