Gary Cass #fundie

Every year the President of the Unites States gives a report on the State of the Union. While it’s good to take stock of the condition of our nation, the glaring problem of the President’s address is that it misses the important truth about the real issues we face and their root causes.

Political correctness and secularism has eviscerated our ability to speak the truth and address the real moral issues of our day. But, with God’s help, we will not succumb to those temptations today. Too much is at stake to trifle with the future of our nation, the church and the souls of man to pander and obfuscate.


While there remains a majority who believe in God and who have a positive view of faith, a small but militant minority is hell bent on destroying all vestiges of our Christian heritage. Marxist / Secularists have prosecuted their 100 year Cultural Jihad to infiltrate the media, education and politics, especially the courts, and impose their secular fundamentalism. The election and re-election of Barack Obama is sobering proof of their formidable influence. President Obama even told a group of Muslims in Cairo that America is not a Christian nation!

Liberals hate God, capitalism and the natural family and any institution, like the church, that supports them. But, after five years of the most left-leaning administration in our history, the wheels are coming off. The Obama Administration has jerked the reigns too hard.

Obama-care is a disaster. Prior to Obama-care’s passage, 90% of people were happy with their insurance. Rather than addressing the 10%, the Obama administration has blown up the whole system in an attempt to impose failed, socialistic healthcare on everyone. Now scandals, incompetence and deceit have taken their toll. 2014 will bring a huge course correction to the ship of state, and the Tea-Party movement, conservatives and “Tea-vangelicals” are poised to make significant electoral gains.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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