(On gays kissing in Spain for the Pope's visit)
That's something that I just don't understand. Why on earth do homosexuals need to be so disgusting. They aren't even eccentric, they are down right outrageous! They flaunt themselves as if they are something special, they introduce themselves as gay as if it were an occupation rather than a disgusting lifestyle. They slobber all over each other in public (like in this article) and they dance naked in the streets. And THEY want the rest of society to grant them equality? There's nothing EQUAL about them except them and their own sex partners!!
Well if asshats like you, Cheryl, were out to cause them harm all the fucking time then maybe it would be seen as normal...LIKE IT FUCKING SHOULD BEEN SEEN YOU FUCKING HALF-BRAINED FUCKWIT.
But because you don't want to accept them as even human, they do have to do some eccentric things to get you to fucking think for once in your fucking retarded life.
I have also flaunted myself as if I'm something special! I have kissed my husband and held his hand in public, I have introduced him as my husband and he has introduced me as his wife, i.e we've introduced ourselves as heterosexual, as if it were an occupation rather than a lifestyle, disgusting or not.
However; I haven't danced naked in the streets, but I have never seen any homosexual person dance naked in the street either. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen any naked people in public at all, except on a beach.
1. Any guesses as to why they're doing that for the Pope's visit? Any at all?
2. If gay people dance naked in the streets in Spain, maybe I'll emigrate to Spain. That would be unthinkable where I live.
"They aren't even eccentric, they are down right outrageous!"
You forgot FABULOUS!
If everybody were to dance naked in the street, people might not be so uptight.
Cheryl needs to kiss a girl on the lips. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
Yeah because everytime I meet someone I say "Hi my names Chris, im gay, pleased to meet you" STFU Cheryl, stupid b*tch!
"They slobber all over each other in public (like in this article) and they dance naked in the streets."
First off, I see far more straight couples making out in public than I do gay couples. Also, citation fucking needed for the dancing naked in the streets.
And maybe they were doing it for the Pope's visit because of the churches views on gay marriage and homosexuality? Just a guess??
I personally find the act of two men kissing to be distasteful, but everything Cheryl said here could be turned around to complain about heterosexual couples.
And dancing naked in the streets? Really? When does this really happen?
They slobber all over each other in public (like in this article) and they dance naked in the streets.
I'm straight and I'd do that. Especially if I could get a bunch of women to join me.
There's nothing EQUAL about them except them and their own sex partners!!
Well, at least that's a start. Many people don't even treat their lovers as equals let alone strangers.
"Oh dearie, people are showing affection in public!"
Dude, you are an arse. You have better things to do rather than condemn people you don't know anything about.
They flaunt themselves as if they are something special, they introduce themselves . . . as if it were an occupation rather than a {disgusting} lifestyle. And THEY want the rest of society to grant them special status ?
Are we talking about fundies here? Didn't your own hero tell you to keep it (your "personal relationship with him") in the closet?
Riiight, and Christians are all asshats who show up at funerals with signs telling the families of the deceased that they're currently burning in Hell.
Really, while I don't know the details of this event, it's pretty easy to distinguish between loud and in-your-face members of a minority (or majority) group and the relatively normal ones.
What about us straights? If I have a girlfriend she and I are likely "slobbering" all over each other. There is something equal I have to a homosexual. I can be in a committed relationship with a girl the same that they can with a man or if lesbian, a woman. And something else: They are human beings
Funny. I’m almost certain I personally know at least one gay person. But I couldn’t tell you who. Since, y’know, I’ve never been told. Not even when that person introduced him or herself. Almost like, y’know, it wasn’t any of my business.
Only reason I’m so certain is simple demographics. Then again, my social circle is a depressingly small sample size
Part 1
That's something that I just don't understand. Why on earth do homosexuals need to be so disgusting.
I know! I mean...KISSING?! Their lips actually...TOUCHED? Did their...Gods forbid...TONGUES touch too? Yes, surely no straight couple would do anything so depraved. And in broad daylight, too...
They aren't even eccentric, they are down right outrageous!
Yeah, um...when your guys are protesting abortion clinics, surely they aren't being outrageous...you know, like yelling "Baby murderer" at people who so much as look at the clinic, waving around pictures of dead fetuses, and so forth...
They flaunt themselves as if they are something special...
Not really, no. I just have the nerve to live my life as I see fit in broad daylight. You know, just like anyone else would expect to.
...they introduce themselves as gay as if it were an occupation rather than a disgusting lifestyle.
I must have an odd circle of friends, then, because neither I, nor any of my friends do anything like that. We stand on our own merits, and accept our homosexuality as facets to our personality, not as the sum, as you people seem to enjoy doing.
I dance naked in the streets and I'm not gay. I also slobber all over my opposite-sex partner in public. Weird, how I'm doing the exact same things, in and out of the bedroom, as gay people, but nobody calls what I'm doing an abomination. ASSHOLE BIGOTS.
PS: I don't really dance naked in the streets, BUT NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE.
Part 2
They slobber all over each other in public (like in this article)...
First, you're aware this is a PROTEST, right? They wouldn't normally be making out in public save for the fact that they are making a point, namely that homosexuality is a form of love, not some vile depravity. Second...you obviously haven't seen some newly dating couples, or newlyweds out and about, have you? "Slobbering all over each other" is HARDLY intrinsic to the gay community.
...and they dance naked in the streets.
Huh. The most brazen I've done is going out shirtless during the summer. Guess I really am a failed gay.
"That's something that I just don't understand."
Cheryl, let me help you understand it. They were doing that as a visual protest to the rat pope. An act of defiance of his declarations. Civil disobediance, if you will. I am glad they made their point. And I say that as a flaming heterosexual.
@HumMis1349.....that was really funny.
Well, that's quite odd. I know I've seen many teens(and some adults!) actively slobbering all over eachother in public. It's only the fact that the homosexuals do it that pisses the fundies off. Seems like they don't have a valid reason, just "GAWD HAYTES FAGS".
...But I never saw anyone at all dancing naked in the street. Just one story of a (straight) man in his yard, laying about with nothing but a chainlink fence between him and prying eyes.
I did go topless in public once as a statement of defiance (long story involving hot weather and beer). The only person who objected was my boyfriend. :P
Thank goodness Cheryl didn't see me, or I'd have been deported for my "disgusting lifestyle."
"They flaunt themselves as if they are something special"
A fundie who's willing to admit that homosexuality is nothing special. It's still a horrible filthy sin and everyone who so much as thinks that it's acceptable will burn in Hell for all eternity. But it's nothing special.
Honestly, I find PDA disgusting no matter what the gender of the people involved are (srsly, get a room), but this was meant as protest and was just kissing. So I don't really have a problem with it.
"No placards, no flags, no shouting and no slogans. Only kissing is allowed ... Once the kissing session is over, participants are to leave "as if nothing had happened."
Disgusting. Why can't they protest with riot, burning, property damage and violence like ordinary people?
~ John_in_Oz
Part 3...hopefully...
And THEY want the rest of society to grant them equality?
So equality is earned now, and not an inalienable right...?
There's nothing EQUAL about them except them and their own sex partners!!
Mostly because you refuse to see us as more than a cock in an asshole, as opposed to people, who...y'know, feel, and love each other, just as you do. But then, humanizing the people you hate makes it tougher to oppress them, doesn't it?
They kiss for their own benefit, not for yours. No one says you have to like it. If you don't want to see it, walk away. No one is oppressing you. Do you also get this judgmental if there was a kissing straight couple you weren't attracted to?
With that said, heterosexist norms are withering away all over the world. You're going to want to come to terms with it now rather than later.
I've probably met way more out gays than you, Cheryl, and none has ever introduced him or herself as "Hi, I'm ______, practicing homosexual."
Well, Jesus says "Judge not lest ye be judged". Jeebus, however says "Be the biggest judgemental buttinski you can be!"
Normal human beings follow the "Good Shepherd Hebrew Jesus The Christ Of Nazareth" whereas Fundie inbred amoebas worship "5-Star General Mighty Whitey Jeebus Crispies Of The Ozarks".
That's something that I just don't understand. Why on earth do fundies need to be so disgusting. They aren't even eccentric, they are down right outrageous! They flaunt themselves as if they are something special, they introduce themselves as Christian as if it were an occupation rather than religious fanatism. They slobber all over their Bibles and they try to convert everyone in the streets. And THEY want the rest of society to bend to their will?
There, fixed.
They were protesting the Pope with love, the most damning weapon that one can use against the Catholic church's repressiveness.
You can go on thinking it's icky though, nobody cares.
"They flaunt themselves as if they are something special"
Enough about the Pope and his entourage,,,oh wait,, you're talking about the gays. Sorry, those flamboyant robes and gay vibe threw me off track
And the Gays only want to equals,,,think the Pope Inc. want to be anything but unjustly revered and worshipped?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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