The one who has known the religion which Allaah revealed, entered it and practised it, then rejected it, despised it and left it, is a person who does not deserve to live on the earth of Allaah and eat from the provision of Allaah.
By leaving Islaam, the apostate opens the way for everyone who wants to leave the faith, thus spreading apostasy and encouraging it.
The apostate is not to be killed without warning. Even though his crime is so great, he is given a last chance, a respite of three days in which to repent. If he repents, he will be left alone; if he does not repent, then he will be killed.
If the punishment for murder and espionage (also known as high treason) is death, then what should be the punishment for the one who disbelieves in the Lord of mankind and despises and rejects His religion? Is espionage or shedding blood worse than leaving the religion of the Lord of mankind and rejecting it?
None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?
And the Christians will tell you that unless you turn to Jesus, you are a sinner, lost forever and destined for hell. And somebody else will tell you some other tale about their version of a "true" deity. Most people will be lazy, and just go on believing whatever they were taught as a child. Remember, those opposing religious claims cannot possibly all be right. They can, however, all be wrong.
Your lord is a despicable tyrant, however you want to call him. Good thing he doesn`t exist or as I said before to your christian collegues he`d need to be disposed of as the pathetic piece of trash that he`d be.
Truth be told nothing disgusts me more than a willing slave, perhaps with te exception of a traitor and that is what you and your entire religion is to me: Traitors to mankind, traitors to freedom and a threat to our survival as a species. The earth belongs to us, as do our lives, try to take mine and I`ll make sure you will not live to see the next day even as I gasp my own dying breath. Some day I believe the rest of us will wake up and see you for the vile, slave driving filth that you are. Your faith is patently bullshit and the only real reason degenerates like you join in on the fun is to justify their sick violent urges or are too afraid of the former to leave it, in itself a tactic every mob boss would be proud of. In fact we as the collective west should give Salman Rashid style protection for all who would wish to run from your slave camps that you call nations, even if simply to spite you.
1) hitting a child harm the child. changing religion harm nobody.
2) high treason is crime against the state and thus punishable by the state - not mob justice. if apostasy is crime against Allah, Allah is the only one who can punish the sinner.
3) if Islam supposed to "bring justice and fairness to all", people like you do it ill-service.
"the apostate opens the way for everyone who wants to leave the faith, thus spreading apostasy and encouraging it."
Jonathan Edwards.
...but I guess it's okay when Christians do so, amirite? Let me remind you, Sally: the Abrahamic religions.
'Unity', you say? Question: Are you Sunni or Shia ?
How many denominations of Atheism are there, and which has Jonathan Edwards joined?
That's justification enough. Now ask thoose 'Apostates' who were ex -Muslim that one question: Why .
I suspect that'd be one in a 'Q&A' you daren't answer, Sheikh Yer Booty. Lest you join said 'Apostates'.
"Oh no, I'm not inciting murder. I'm not advocating that anyone actually kills apostates. I'm just saying what the Qu'ran says" [I assume it does say this?]
Same as some Americans who say the same thing about 'fags'. Except that people in Muslim-majority countries are much more likely to actually do it...
How convenient for you, as a religious leader, or the beneficiary of this hierarchical scam, to be able to pronounce a death sentence on those that would object.
"None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?"
How about, "Because you're an insane fanatic, your beliefs have only a tenuous relationship with reality, and are based on tradition and superstition?" Also, your comparison is spurious because no child was harmed when your apostate/heretic took the exit. You're just a mentally programmed control freak living in Bullshitstan.
Here it is, the great dispenser of Islamic teaching to ward off the evil thinking masses again. Kill the unbeliever because if you can't rule by oppression, rule by fear and if you can't rule by fear, manipulate superiority complexes. You are all alike in your yip dog barking of god wants this or god wants that without noticing that its not about what god wants, its about what people in power want.
@ Neo Matrix.
"quirks a brow"
You only make yourself look stupid trying when you open your mouth. Please refrain from it if you you're going to spew that kind of bile.
I've known some very kind and caring members of Islam and some truly scummy people who call themselves Christian.
@FundieVision Inc
And said "kind and caring" members probably also privately supported terrorist acts over perceived insults of Islam (does Charlie Hebdo ring a bell?).
Oh, and Christians are stupid cunts too.
@ NeoMatrix.
The only scummy cunt I see is you. Several of the best people I know and admire are Christian. Including a woman I've mentioned on here before who's done nothing but love and look after me despite me being not her biological kid, and being unbalanced and unstable.
Those Muslims I know were and are horrified by the terrorist acts of their extreme brethren. It's asswipes like you who make them feel unwelcome, and scorned for something they had no part in.
See my above advice. Opening your mouth and spewing bile makes you look stupid. Refrain from it if you can't stop saying that sort of thing.
" a person who does not deserve to live on the earth of Allaah and eat from the provision of Allaah. "
You do realize the majority of Earth's population has rejected your religion, right? Most civilizations on this planet have grown and prospered for centuries with no help whatsoever from the invention of Islam.
"None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?"
Christian fundie version: "None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the Bible which God wrote Himself to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?"
@ Demon Duck of Doom
These guys also believe everyone was Muslim before they were born and converts 'revert' to Islam.
@ Neo Matrix
I live in a country where 95% of the people are Muslim. About half of my friends at my Jewish wedding were Muslim. We even timed the wedding so it wouldn't clash with Ramadan so all our guests could eat and enjoy themselves. They were people who do the kinds of job stupid people can't do. And there was not a cuntish person among them.
@Neo Matrix
People are people, some are good, some are bad. But Bigots, such as yourself, are vermin, of which none or good.
"the apostate opens the way for everyone who wants to leave the faith, thus spreading apostasy and encouraging it."
You say that like it's a bad thing...
"If the punishment for murder and espionage (also known as high treason) is death, then what should be the punishment for the one who disbelieves in the Lord of mankind and despises and rejects His religion? Is espionage or shedding blood worse than leaving the religion of the Lord of mankind and rejecting it?"
In one word? Yes. Murder and espionage cause real, demonstrable harm. Not believing in your favourite fairy tale doesn't, unless you count the butthurt of bigots or the loss of influence of clerics and other parasites that use religion to get power. Provide actual evidence for the existence of your deity or shut up. Also, capital punishment is barbaric.
"None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?"
Are you aware that your comparison puts us in the shoes of an adult and Allah in those of a (wimpy) kid? Methink you didn't exactly think it through :P
OTOH, religion does sound a lot like children squabbles to me, so your comparison may be more accurate than you intended.
@Demon Duck of Doom
Malala Yousafzai is an idiot - a courageous one, but still. Sure she had massive balls to do what she's done, but that doesn't change that fact that she still seriously worships an insane 9th century Arab pedophile warlord.
The fact that she hasn't renounced Islam EVEN AFTER SHE WAS SHOT IN THE FACE confirms her idiocy. If she did that, I'd respect her much more.
Hahahaha, enjoy your stonings and discrimination and hand-chopping.
If anyone needed proof you were a troll, here it is.
"None of those who bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief would put up with a neighbour’s child hitting their child or justify this as "personal freedom," so how can they justify leaving the true religion and rejecting the sharee’ah which Allaah revealed to teach mankind about His unity and bring justice and fairness to all?"
The difference being that former long-time Christian Jonathan Edwards recanting of his beliefs & becoming an Atheist harmed nobody , whereas hitting a child is assault : for which one could be arrested if you did the same to an adult .
You need to be taught by Prof. Doug Piranha - at the Ernest Pythagoras University of Advanced Sarcasm - about the proper use of Metaphor . Or would you prefer to be taught by Dr. Dinsdale Piranha: all the while he nails your head to the floor? Because he has to. Be fair, there's nothing else he can do. I mean, you have transgressed the unwritten law.
You don't have the "personal freedom" to think that you have the right to not have your pelvis screwed to a cake stand. If that happens, then a case of Insha'allah .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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