Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden is attempting to use his extended COVID-19 national emergency declaration as authority to steal from union workers and give to billion dollar hedge funds. Thank you to the 120 Republicans signers of Discharge Petition #12 that will force Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote on the termination of Biden’s continued COVID-19 national emergency extension.

@DrPaulGosar it must end

spoilerThe "Died Suddenly News" group on Facebook has
grown from 10,000 people to over 100,000 people
within just a few weeks. Many people are sharing
stories about loved ones dying from the vaccine.

@DrPaulGosar There is no emergency how the hell has this been allowed to continue all this time?

Can anyone answer this

@DQ4U @DrPaulGosar Trump called a state of emergency back when this first started, has this been stopped or been "recalled"? I don't know how these things work, but it could be why this is continuing.

@DrPaulGosar remember when they said 45 was a tyrant drunk with power lol
brandon go play soccer



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