We all knew that Muslin nations don't tolerate other religions. I wish other nations like US, ban the Muslims from spreading their religion, a religion of violence.
*source* The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
All the Abrahamic religions are religions of violence.
Happy are those who bash the little ones' heads against rocks, or something to that effect. That is not from the Koran, but from the Bible.
You can't have freedom for some religions, but not others. Either you have freedom of religion or you don't.
Every religion (and even atheism) has violence somewhere in its history. Most of us accept that fact and do what we can to avoid repeating that history.
Well, okay, brand-new religions generally don't have any violence in their history, but given enough time and followers...
Yeah, I could go along with banning religions that are violent. Hmmmmm....who all would that include? In this city, xians commit first degree murder against doctors they dont like. Three murdered so far. (two doctors, one escort....yes...doctors have escorts to try to stave off assasination here). And that doesnt include the bombings, just the shootings. (the bombings killed nobody) So mal 1919....just who are you claiming is a religion of violence?
> We all knew that Muslin nations don't tolerate other religions. I wish other nations like US, ban the Muslims from spreading their religion, a religion of violence.
"When people have been given the choice to have any other opinions aside of the True and Correct Opinions(tm)(r)(c), they have been robbed of the most important of all freedoms - the freedom of opinion."
Historically Muslims have been more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians have of Muslims and Jews. See Spain for example.
Of course this is on faux news, so it's not exactly going to be useful.
"ban the Muslims from spreading their religion, a religion of violence."
While we're banning religions of violence . . .
Oh yes, let's punish the peaceful, tolerant Muslim people who move to western societies in order to get away from their oppressive Muslin[sic] governments that won't let them practice their gentler, tolerant brand of Islam. That'll teach 'em.
I'd appreciate it if you would kindly replace the irony meter you just turned into a smoking pile of melted plastic and components. 'Tis very smelly. Also, I'd like you to pay for a groomer, as my poor cat was standing too close when it went off and the blast severely singed the fur on her right side. The hot, smoking crater in my living room could use some attention too.
And no, I won't take your shitty personal check.
Irony meter was just obliterated in a large explosion.
"Muslims don't tolerate other religions! Let's ban them all!"
But the thing is that if Muslim nations ban people from practicing Christianity, Christians like mal here get all sorts of upset.
Conservatives seem to love to compare America to the worst countries on the planet, as if that's where the bar should be set:
Saudi Arabia doesn't allow Christianity - lets ban Islam.
North Korea imprisons illegal immigrants (and emmigrants) - lets do the same.
...Muslin nations don't tolerate other religions. I wish other nations like US, ban the Muslims...
I will shut up now because saying anything else obviously will be hypocritical. But really. Wow.
Christ, that was the fastest contradiction I've read in a while.
Is there even a word that can describe this? A more blantent word for irony?
Mmm, the sweet taste of irony.
What ever happened to that one thing? The First Amendment I believe it was called...
You do know that many predominantly Muslim nations are modern nations, right? Turkey, for example.
And Islam is no more a religion of violence than Christianity is.
Also, first amendment.
"Of course, some people do not love their fellow man. I HATE people like that!"
- Tom Leher
(and yes, he was being funny)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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