Ken Ham #fundie

The late Dr. Henry Morris (considered the father of the modern biblical creation movement) had also been writing about this connection between evolution and morality in most of his early books.

Over the decades, evolutionists have often mocked me for tying evolution to morality. They claim that evolution has to do with “science,” not morality. But notice that as generations have been indoctrinated into believing naturalistic evolution (which is in reality the religion of atheism), Christian morality has declined. Armed with so-called “science,” secularists have become bolder in opposing Christian morality.

In our Western world, we are seeing more and more people (like Bill Nye “the Science Guy” whom I debated at the Creation Museum in 2014) who boldly claim that evolution is “science” and are using it to promote an anti-Christian worldview. More than ever, secular activists are vehemently opposing Christian morality, such as marriage being between only one man and one woman and abortion being murder.

And we are seeing very amoral and immoral behavior growing across the culture, especially, it seems, among the younger generations (Millennials and Generation Z). While we do not argue that evolution directly causes immorality, people can use Darwinian thinking to justify their immoral behavior.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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