Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia
Did you know that every Tesla automobile has a built-in security camera? The idiots committing these acts of terroristic vandalism don’t seem to be aware of this security feature, and the fact that they could spend years in prison doesn’t seem to have occurred to them, either. And I just want to say, Thank you, stupid Democrats, for giving us an excuse to send you to prison with a felony conviction that, in most states, will prohibit you from voting. Wile E. Coyote could not be reached for comment.
Our good friend Deb Heine had the story of Justin Thomas Nelson, a/k/a “Lucy Grace Nelson,” a 42-year-old Democrat who is facing multiple felony charges in Larimer County, Colorado, after police say he/“she” repeatedly visited a Tesla dealership and committed acts of vandalism. The charges include “Explosives or Incendiary Devices Use During Felony.” But while contemplating this criminal’s stupid, could we just mention that no one will ever mistake Justin/“Lucky” for a woman?
He does not pass. Period. Until rather recently, the inability to “pass” as female would have deterred a person like Justin Nelson from transgenderism. What is the point of this masquerade if no one believes it? That is the question any sane person concerned with facts and logic would ask about such behavior, but facts and logic are transphobic, you see, and thus sane people are deprived of the First Amendment right to speak the blunt truth: “That’s not a woman. It’s a lunatic in a dress.”
We are not supposed to notice the bullying inherent in the transgender agenda, where people are compelled to play along with this nonsense. And the fact that lunatics like Justin/”Lucy” feel empowered to engage in terroristic crime — well, isn’t that a logical consquence of this?