Ann Barnhardt #fundie
With regard to the Church and the Alpha-Beta structures and dynamics, I personally believe that people who are actually controlling and calling the shots BELIEVE IN THE FAITH— because they are Satanists. I believe that the key Alphas in the Vatican and the key outposts in the Church, the people who send out the orders and are literally at war with God are literal Satan worshippers.
The “Beta” caste is the group that I have defined as those who “Don’t Actually Believe Any of That Bullshit” – and by “bullshit”, I mean Catholicism. I believe the massive bureaucracy that is, right now, before our very eyes, destroying the Church from the inside out, is almost entirely comprised of men who don’t believe any of it to start with, who think that actual Catholicism is all “bullshit”. They are the Beta DUPES, PATSYS, and WISEGUYS, groveling before and taking their cues and orders from a caste of psychopaths that literally worship Satan, and thus believe in all of it: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the existence of Hell and eternal damnation, the supernatural reality of The Church, and, interestingly, the words of The Mother of God, particularly at Fatima. Oh yes. The Satanists believe EVERY BIT OF IT. Make no mistake.
And yes, I believe that Bergoglio is in the Beta caste, and doesn’t believe in any of it, and thinks it is all bullshit. I think that Bergoglio is a bootlicking Beta Diabolical Narcissist that was installed precisely because he would do ANYTHING the Alphas wanted, not only because he is a DN with delusions of grandeur that craves Narcissistic Supply, but also because he is a profoundly unintelligent man, and thus very easy to manipulate and control. (If you’re thinking of Obama as a direct analogue at this point, you’re right on.)
The Alphas aren’t gunning to drive people OUT of The Church – they are gunning to get as many people to engage in Eucharistic desecration as possible. They want people coming and receiving the Eucharist in mortal sin. What they are doing is aimed, first and foremost, at “hurting” and “humiliating” God. The loss of souls to hell is secondary, and derivative of their hated of God and spite. They want people to go to hell precisely because God loves them. It is the Satanic inversion of the Second Great Commandment: hatred of man for the hatred of God. They don’t want to shoot the Bride of Christ in the head – they want to RAPE the Bride of Christ forever – and make God watch.
If you think this uncharitable of me, consider the alternative – that Bergoglio is an actual Satanist. I doubt it. The only thing Bergoglio worships and adores is Francis.