"Christianity is not a religion, it simply is TRUTH."
So is $cientology then. And although it doesn't have legal recognition as a religion here in the UK - thus it has to pay tax on it's income (Courses, 'Auditing', sales of materials etc) - in the US, according to the IRS it is tax-exempt.
Because Your 'Truth' enjoys the same tax-exempt status as $cientology. So, either the BS of L. Ron Hubbard is 'Truth' (as he once said: 'What's True, is true for you'), therefore all other religions' doctrines are as much 'True' as yours is (and so many of you lot claim that 'Atheism is a religion' too, despite we never having similar tax-exempt status) and you don't have the right to think otherwise, or your 'Truth' isn't a religion, thus tax-exempt, and you & all your ilk have untold billions, nay, trillions to pay to the IRS, backdated & with interest.
"The truth is never wrong."
(*Gets out mobile phone*)
You want to make that call to the IRS or shall I, o Darth Monkeynuts...? 'The truth is never wrong'? Yeah. Tell Kent 'Oh, Mark 12:17 doesn't apply to me!' Hovind that, when he gets out of prison, with reputation, rectum, and HIV status in tatters.
'I fought the law
And the law won!'
[/The Clash]