Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "Top Ten Signs You Are A Victim of Religious Persecution"]

10. When people talk about where THEY live it is a four-plex, apartment building or ranch. When they talk about the four-plex, apartment or ranch YOU live at, it is a compound
9. Your religion is constantly referred to as a cult, or a sect
8. The state decides how your children are to worship by taking away their religious documents and scriptures
7. When you move to a state, laws are changed specifically to target your religion
6. The only adults in your state NOT allowed to MARRY at 14 or 16 years old are the members of your congregation
5. Based on looks given to someone in a courtroom, you are now religious fanatics and are prone to violence
4. The state accepts birth certificates as proof of age for everyone, except those practicing your religion
3. You can't have your children back unless you denounce your religion, and take classes learning how to think like them
2. Your leader is put on the top ten most wanted list, and hunted like a terrrorist; for performing a wedding ceremony
1. The children of your religion are hauled away in buses displaying the name of another church



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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