JS in California #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Thinking is a dangerous thing to do. That is one of my most favorite lines from any move – Twelve O’clock High. It is like swallowing a truth pill. It may go down easy, or very difficult. Regardless how easy or painful, it is still the truth. When was the last time we were asked to analyze for truth on anything without using the Main Stream Media as a reference?

With the truth, we must think, use discernment. Sometimes, it is completely contrary to everything we know, believe in, or even love. The truth can bring us joy, or pain to accept it. But the truth will wake us up to the evils around us that we are being told are normal or good.
We are in that same situation of a country being beguiled. The USA has been in a slow moving Marxist effort to quietly implement Socialism, them Marxism, then Communism. It is the Marxist game plan as was used in Italy, Russia, Germany, and China. Research the differences then you can see how it has progressed. The foundation is to consolidate power, wealth, and complete authority.

In the late 1930’s in Germany, there where those that saw what was happening, stood against it, but was taken to their concentration camps or just executed. They used media suppression to control the narrative. They robbed the vote by intimidation or downright destruction with replacement voting ballots. That was the Ruling Class plan for us, until Donald Trump stood up.
The Ruling Class are now in panic mode as their evil plans are being exposed. We have been lied to all of our lives, going back to the creation of the USA. The truth of their corruption, at all levels of our society, is being exposed.

I believe Good will be victorious. My wife and I will pray for others to wake up. Jesus said to not hate your enemies, but to love them instead. As painful as it is now with massive economic hardship and persecution, evil can not win. Give the beguiled ones a chance to wake up.

Jesus also said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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