Various Incels #sexist

RE: Short Story: Meanwhile, in a parallel Universe


Just as she rose from her seat she noted an Ad popping up in her browser: “Feeling lonely? For just 50 bucks per month this prince will give you the boyfriend experience of your life!” Below those lines was a picture of an average looking guy, smiling into the camera.

Brilliant post, man. Feminists always complain about gender swapping because men and women don't have it the same way. Well, duh :p

U singlehandedly revealed the hypocrisy n double standards of soyciety n reddit especially

Girl, you are twenty-fucking-nine, that’s still very young, you have time. It’s absolutely normal for women your age to have never had a relationship


this: "On other occasions men would abuse, beat and rape her before ending the short lived “relationship”. Is unnecessary, women dont rape men as much as men rape women. At this point an average redditor will just say "Aha, silly inkwell, see! I told you women DO have it harder! Nobody will rape a man!" ignoring the message

I put that in there to underline that, in this universe, men have absolutely no trouble attracting woman and therefore value them so little that they casually abuse them even in the worst way. Women don’t violently force themselves on men but I would say that women use their infinite SMV and hypergamy to force men from the 6-7 range to fuck women from the 2-3 range. “You don’t want to be an incel? Then your only choice is to fuck those women you are not attracted to!”

I read the whole thing. i lol'd at the vanilla latte part. the onlyfans ending was a nice touch too. good stuff, OP. i find it fascinating how when you switch the genders, it becomes so obvious how unjust things are. as a society we turn a blind eye to men's suffering and blame them for it. People need to open their eyes.



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